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    Corruption in Iraq: Oil saved $ 800 billion and corruption cost 312

    Admin Assist
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    Corruption in Iraq: Oil saved $ 800 billion and corruption cost 312 Empty Corruption in Iraq: Oil saved $ 800 billion and corruption cost 312

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Sep 2017, 11:20 am

    Corruption in Iraq: Oil saved $ 800 billion and corruption cost 312

    15:49 - 19/09/2017

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    Information / Translation
    Iraq is considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world, ranking 166 out of 176 countries with only 17 out of a total of 100 in the area of ​​credibility, according to a report by the American Journal of Journalism on Tuesday.
    "When the temperature in the prison of the former governor of Salahaddin, which is accused of corruption, increased, he offered to provide money from his own pocket to adapt the prison, which the authorities readily accepted. This was one way to recover part of the money that the official had stolen," the report said. Former of state coffers. "
    "After three years of fighting terrorism, the Iraqi authorities are setting out their vision of catching sharks, a common term to fight senior officials who have used their impunity to fill their own pockets," he said.
    Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said earlier that he was committed to a relentless fight against corruption, which he compared to the fight against terrorism, but this could seem a formidable challenge in a country where graft is one of the levers used to maintain the balance of power and the distribution of ministerial posts since the US invasion. Iraq in 2003 ".
    For his part, the head of the Center for Political Thought Ihsan al-Shammari told the newspaper that "most parties see the state institutions as a source to finance their political activities."
    "For 13 years governments have been formed in Iraq on the basis of secret deals between politicians to cover corruption, and the former governor of Salahuddin was not the only official revealed by the anti-corruption committee reporting to Abadi," the report said, referring to the official determination to address the widespread scourge of corruption Scale government turned to the head of Iraqi Airways and arrested him despite his political relations. "
    "For years, Iraqis have condemned the poor management and financial neglect that has strangled the country and allowed its infrastructure to divide despite the infusion of billions of dollars. Since the US invasion in 2003, Iraq has provided more than $ 800 billion in revenue, but corruption has cost the country $ 312 billion, Anga Center for Economic Development ".
    It is noteworthy that the corruption rampant in Iraq since 2003 until today has been scorched the country and made it a country of declining in the provision of services, especially political corruption and deals and secret bargains. Ending / 25 z

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