Alsumaria News / Baghdad
confirmed the General Secretariat for the Council of Ministers for Economic and Baghdad, on Monday, the importance of sovereign funds of the national economy, as one of the tools of influence of the Iraqi state to secure the vital area within Iraq 's national security theory. 

The Prime Minister's Advisor for Financial Affairs Mohammed Saleh's appearance during a workshop held by the Baghdad Economic Forum on sovereign funds and their role in the development of the Iraqi economy, "The sovereign fund submersible is one of the temporary sovereign funds for real investment, which is funded from the allocations of infrastructure projects in the federal budget available from the resources of self Country ".

Saleh added that "the resources in the Fund will be continuously compensated when withdrawn from it to extinguish the foreign loans provided by the foreign contractors, which are composed through the foreign government agencies guarantor and continuously to ensure the implementation and funding continuously to start contracting work in Iraqto ensure timely and efficient completion, The submersible fund will operate as guarantor and financier for infrastructure projects. " 

For his part, the head of the administrative body of the Baghdad Economic Forum Fares Al-Salman said that "Iraq is characterized by abundant sources of resources and natural wealth, financial and human, as well as the importance of its geopolitical position in the region, which urgently requires that there is a rational management of its resources and economy."

Al-Salman said that "to achieve this requires the implementation of the reorganization of the Iraqi economy to promote the pillars of sustainable development to create a dynamic economy, including the establishment of a package of sovereign funds managed by good governance and transparency as well as the development and support of the Iraqi Fund for Foreign Development as one of the tools of influence of the Iraqi state To secure the vital field within the Iraqi national security theory. "