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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Bama Diva
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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Nov 2013, 4:02 am

    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the economic situation in the country


    Committee on economy: political differences had a negative effect on the economic situation in the country

    Baghdad (newsletter). Confirmed the decision of the Commission on economy and investment Deputy/Kurdish Alliance/mahma Khalil, the political differences among the parliamentary blocs impacted negatively on the overall economic situation in the country, warning of serious economic problems if the conflicts among politicians.

    He said Khalil (News Agency): the deteriorating political situation were going astray on the various economic areas, through escape international pedigree of stock market kalankliset and America, what made the market stagnated.

    He added: the political differences among the parliamentary blocs also affected the investment process and the arrival of local and foreign companies to invest, and contributed to the emigration of domestic capital abroad, in addition to being caused by the fluctuating dinar exchange rate against the dollar and influenced the work of the Central Bank.

    Khalil warned of continuing differences and the intransigence of the blocks that has delayed adoption of the many important laws because it would not be ominous economic problems in the country.

    This is the political scene in Iraq conflict between blocs led to delayed adoption of many laws and reluctance of the economic process in the country.

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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by Bama Diva Tue 12 Nov 2013, 7:41 am

    "Khalil warned of continuing differences and the intransigence of the blocks that has delayed adoption of the many important laws because it would not be ominous economic problems in the country.

    This is the political scene in Iraq conflict between blocs led to delayed adoption of many laws and reluctance of the economic process in the country."

    This is a crystal clear explanation of why we have not seen our money yet  and why I don't believe it will be too much longer before we will see our money imo. 
    Wayne Irby
    Wayne Irby
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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by Wayne Irby Tue 12 Nov 2013, 7:51 am

    I hope you are right Bama, it's been a loooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggg slow ride!
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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by gmc Tue 12 Nov 2013, 9:32 am

    Thanks Bama 🎅
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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by kingsranch Tue 12 Nov 2013, 9:54 am

    Pride always gets in the way Evil or Very Mad , I remember the words of Rodney King "why can't we just get along" :cheers:

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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

    Post by Neno Tue 12 Nov 2013, 1:08 pm

    Khalil is a Kurd and was the one that said each dinar could cover in any out at $2.50 and he is also one of the kunas on the economic committee.

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    Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec Empty Re: Iraq's political differences and the fluctuating dinar exchange rate had a negative effect on the ec

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