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    National: federal judge to resolve differences

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    National: federal judge to resolve differences Empty National: federal judge to resolve differences

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 24 Dec 2012, 10:34 am

    National: federal judge to resolve differences

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    24/12/2012 08: 17

    Prime National Alliance head of the State of Law coalition
    parliamentary Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya to resort to the Federal Court to
    resolve the political crisis in the event did not happen agreement or
    consensus on according to the constitution.

    Attiyah said: The «political
    scene is complex and full of problems, but there are broad prospects
    for a solution based on National
    principles and the Constitution ». said Sheikh Al-Attiyah he« can be
    invoked to the Constitution to resolve disputes and, if there are
    disagreements on the interpretation of certain provisions of the
    constitution, you can resort to the Federal Court for jurisdiction and
    resolve the crisis ».

    and on the law of infrastructure, said the head of
    the coalition of state law« We read
    Surat Al-Fatiha to the law because of political differences and
    bargaining, although he project is intended to serve the Iraqi people ».

    denied Sheikh Attiyah« a targeted political or sectarian in moving some
    files », while urging the« Move files lift the immunity of some
    lawmakers, stressing that he should takes
    eliminate its course and not politicize issues ».

    criticized Vice
    President of the National Alliance work of the parliament in the current
    session, returned his« slow and Mtlkia quantity and quality ».
    Regarding the situation in Syria and the impact of Iraq where, did not
    hide Sheikh Al-Attiyah from the fear of the coalition of the situation
    in Syria ,

    but he stressed that Iraq will not be dragged back into sectarian
    strife with the increasing awareness of citizens, stressing the
    continuing Iraqi initiative to resolve the crisis peacefully.

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