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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Completion of drilling of the first exploratory well in the new Qal'at Salih field

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Completion of drilling of the first exploratory well in the new Qal'at Salih field Empty Completion of drilling of the first exploratory well in the new Qal'at Salih field

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Jul 2018, 4:11 am

    Completion of drilling of the first exploratory well in the new Qal'at Salih field

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    The Maysan Oil Company announced on Monday the completion of drilling of the first exploratory well in the field of Qal'at Salih al-Jadeed (80 km southwest of the center of Maysan province) with national efforts. 

    The director general of the Missan Oil Company, Adnan Nushi, said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy of it, that "the implementation of the exploration drilling plan of the field of Qal'at Salih in coordination with the Iraqi oil exploration company in September last year by the Iraqi Drilling Company under the supervision of oil company Maysan and successfully completed and completed the drilling of the first well (Castle / 1).

    "The drilling operations have reached a depth of 4800 m, up to the production layers," he said, noting that "a rocky section of these layers was taken for the purpose of studying them in order to determine the real expectations and production capacities and the nature of the oil in these reservoirs and layers of the field after the introduction of the well in a comprehensive assessment program "He said. 

    "The Maysan oil company has prioritized exploration and evaluation of new structures, fields and national efforts through coordination with Iraqi companies affiliated to the Ministry of Oil," Nushi said. 

    It is noteworthy that the Missan Oil Company has already completed the drilling of the first well in the field of Dima in 2012, which is currently subject to evaluation programs.

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