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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament Seeks To Legislate The “Dual Nationals” Law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament Seeks To Legislate The “Dual Nationals” Law Empty Parliament Seeks To Legislate The “Dual Nationals” Law

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Feb 2022, 6:20 am

    [size=38]Parliament Seeks To Legislate The “Dual Nationals” Law
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    LAST UPDATE 02/20/2022 | 10:32 AM
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    The Information/Baghdad..
    Parliament seeks to legislate a “dual citizenship” law during this session, in order to activate a constitutional text that refers to the abolition of second citizenship for holders of sovereign or security positions in order to preserve public money.
    Member of Parliament Hadi al-Salami pointed out, in a statement reported by the newspaper, “La Sabah” and seen by “The Information”, to “the need to legislate the laws that were read in the first and second readings during previous parliamentary sessions, including the (dual nationals) law,” calling for “the Iraqi nationality to be The first and basis for selecting government office holders.
    Al-Salami said: “Parliament is serious in implementing the paragraph of foreign nationals, because during previous periods we saw that it is difficult to apply the law to these people, and the Iraqi constitution put this paragraph because it is related to national sovereignty and security,” stressing the Parliament’s move “to strengthen this matter that concerns holders of citizenship.” foreign, because it concerns the future of Iraq.”
    He added: "We work in general and take proactive and precautionary issues, especially with state security and the issue of combating financial and administrative issues, because some dual nationals were unable to hold them accountable for corruption charges against them, and there will be work in agreement with the rest of the independents and parties as much as possible in this direction."
    He continued, "A month has passed since the swearing in, and the deputies are working according to what is possible, and the committees have not yet been formed, and we have knowledge of all the laws that have been read, first and second, including the (dual nationals) law, and we will seek to approve it." finished/25
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