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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Water Resources: There is a tendency to renegotiate with upstream countries to secure water shares

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Water Resources: There is a tendency to renegotiate with upstream countries to secure water shares Empty Water Resources: There is a tendency to renegotiate with upstream countries to secure water shares

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Nov 2022, 4:47 am

    [size=46]Water Resources: There is a tendency to renegotiate with upstream countries to secure water shares[/size]
    18:37 - 2022-11-12
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    Today, Saturday, Minister of Water Resources, Aoun Diab, revealed Iraq's intention to renegotiate with Turkey and Iran to secure water shares, and while setting the ministry's priorities and priorities in the new government, he confirmed setting priorities to address 3 files in the south, including the drought problem.
    Diab said, "The ministerial curriculum emphasized very vital points related to water resources management, foremost of which is the distribution of water in a fair and just manner, as well as the development of irrigation projects, and their rehabilitation using modern and advanced methods away from traditional methods, in addition to focusing on ensuring water shares in the southern region." To secure the needs of drinking water, agriculture and environmental needs," noting that "the southern regions have been subjected to years of recurrent drought." 
    He added, "The ministry is working to confront drought in those areas, and we are working on that through a series of measures," pointing out that "the Ministry of Resources has precedence in the file of confronting drought in the south and also pays attention to the file of addressing the problem of salinity in the Shatt al-Arab, which has been a problem that has been going on for years." And this file we gave it first priority.” 
    "There is a weakness in securing water in the marshlands due to abuses and water scarcity, and there is work we are doing in this direction, and we hope to make an improvement in the marshes this year," Dhiab added.
    On Iraq's water shares, the Minister of Resources affirmed that "there is a tendency to renegotiate with the upstream countries, Turkey and Iran, and to hold serious meetings with specialists in the two countries to secure Iraq's shares in accordance with international agreements and norms, given that Iraq suffers from an acute shortage of water."   
    He added, "The ministry delivered a message to the Turkish side, and there are promises to secure contact with the Turkish President's representative for water affairs, Vesseloglu, to lay the foundations for concluding a new water agreement, and we will give this issue special attention."

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