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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system

    Admin Assist
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    Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system  Empty Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Sep 2014, 10:09 am

    Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system 

    Brother - Baghdad 

     Oil Minister and leader of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, the former central bank governor Sinan al-Shabibi, did his duty according to the Constitution and the law, pointing out that "others Hakmoh by philosophy contrary to the current system," noting that the arguments presented, make it an issue Shabibi the issue of age, and major errors to be addressed. 

     Said Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement received by the Agency for News News (et) a copy of the day, that "the criminal court convicted al-Shabibi and sentenced him in absentia to imprisonment for seven years, and with respect for the judiciary and the rule according to the data, but the circumstances of the referral and the method and the arguments presented, make it an issue Shabibi issue of age in Iraq, and major errors to be addressed. " 

     He added that "Shabibi took his {2003-2012} It is known that the bank is responsible for monetary policy, and charged with overseeing the work of banks and the use of monetary tools to straighten out the economic track, and in particular in the two currency stability, and control inflation, the reserves in 2003 are negative, and the exchange rate {2500 } JD / dollar in the market, and {1500} JD / dollar officially, inflation is more than 100% {} ". 

    The Abdul-Mahdi said, "There is no doubt the occurrence of errors, which is part of the work, but the errors of the crime, so it is not exposed any member of the Central Bank, the legal repercussions, for any damage occurred due to any negligence or conduct released him during the performance of his duties, they have immunity under { Article 23/1} in force, and the competent court for that court financial services {}, {already existing Article 63 of the Bank} ", noting that" the immunity guarantee for the implementation of duty, Kalaskara, where he faces legal liability before the competent courts. " 

     He explained that the "economic crime and acts of smuggling before 2003, centered offense instruction foreign exchange, either critical philosophy and the current economic emphasizes the freedom of movement of capital and conversion, and blocking and restriction where, without justification, is a violation which is what other countries through its banks and stock exchanges and auctions, and this without Other evidence is not smuggling and Gusala, if there were from the determinants of import or other, it Valmswol departments and other institutions. " 

     He said, "Shabibi did his duty according to the Constitution and laws, and others Hakmoh by philosophy contrary to the current system," pointing out that "{Galilei} convicted Court of the Vatican, accused of heresy in 1623, for his defense of the theory of the Earth's rotation around the sun, contrary to the opinion of the church at the time, and was must wait for 1992, offering the Vatican apologize for {} Galilei and restore dignity and innocence, and pays tribute to a statue to him, "adding," We hope not to wait {350} and more, to acquit Al-Shabibi and honored. "

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    Insane Investor
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    Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system  Empty Re: Supreme Council: Shabibi was tried by a philosophy contrary to the system

    Post by CITEX Thu 11 Sep 2014, 1:56 pm

    That's a very nice statement in Shabibi's behalf, I wouldn't know if he did anything wrong or not, from the outside it did seem like he was doing everything he could to prevent Government control of the Banking system, and for that I applaud him.

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