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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An Iraqi politician expects the old borders of the region to end as a result of the "failure" and ho

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    An Iraqi politician expects the old borders of the region to end as a result of the "failure" and ho Empty An Iraqi politician expects the old borders of the region to end as a result of the "failure" and ho

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2023, 7:11 am

    An Iraqi politician expects the old borders of the region to end as a result of the "failure" and hopes for the formation of a Palestinian and a Kurdish state

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    2023-04-22 05:59

    Shafaq News/ Iraqi politician Mithal Al-Alusi predicted, on Saturday, the end of the "Sykes-Picot" agreement, which drew the borders of the countries that were under the control of the Ottoman Empire, expressing his hope for the formation of a Palestinian and a Kurdish state, or the application of the confederation system in Iraq.
    Al-Alusi said in a tweet on the social networking sites "Twitter", that "the people will not accept subordination."

    He added that the old colonialism drew the maps and borders of the Middle East, adding that regional and international colonialism lives on creating and feeding war and crises, and the failure of our states will end the old borders into new ones. I hope to see a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel, a Kurdish state, or an Iraqi confederation.
    The "Sykes-Picot" agreement was signed between France and Britain on May 16, 1916 in the framework of dividing the lands of the Ottoman Empire after it was agreed to drop it.
    The agreement was an exchange of documents between the foreign ministries of the three countries: France, England and Tsarist Russia.
    Sykes said that he wanted to "draw a line that begins with the letter A (meaning the city of Acre, which is called in English acre), and ends with the letter Kaf, in reference to Kirkuk," as British writer James Barr recounts in his book "A Line in the Sand." This black line divides the Middle East in the middle on the maps of the agreement without any regard for tribal and clan distribution and religious affiliations.
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