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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputies: the possibility of a large part of the crisis after the return of President Talabani. And

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Deputies: the possibility of a large part of the crisis after the return of President Talabani. And  Empty Deputies: the possibility of a large part of the crisis after the return of President Talabani. And

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 29 Dec 2012, 11:03 am

    the possibility of a large part of the crisis after the return of
    President Talabani. And irreplaceable part of the nomination not meet

    Date: 2012/12/29 12: 02: 21 Saturday

    (News)/report/Zainab sankor/... Over most of the House members, the
    possibility of a large part of the crisis plaguing the country, after
    President Jalal Talabani returned from a trip.

    At the same time
    stressed in interviews (News News Agency): you cannot nominate an
    alternative to President Talabani, considering the nomination of any
    personal allowance for failure.

    And the sudden health indisposition
    news raised the concern of President Jalal Talabani, Iraqi who expressed
    concern that the absence of President Talabani for whatever reason
    would leave a political vacuum much as the safety valve of the political
    process and the protector of the Constitution.

    Maybe House
    members in interviews (News News Agency): continuing political
    differences until the return of President Talabani, and not personal
    allowance for the nomination took office because the valve forward to
    the political process and the only person who stands at the same
    distance from all political blocs.

    The Attorney for a coalition
    of Kurdish blocs//Burhan Mohammed Faraj, said the continuing political
    differences until the return of President Jalal Talabani, adding no
    personal personal Talabani in Iraq similarity.

    In a statement,
    "said Faraj (News News Agency): there is no personal in Iraq as
    President Jalal Talabani, wishing him a speedy recovery and return home.

    added: the political process needs to the President and political
    leaders to respect the Constitution and the agreements concluded on the
    basis of which the Government formed.

    The Attorney for a
    coalition of Kurdish blocs: the country cannot be managed with one
    person but there must be consultation and dialogue on political

    In the meantime, according to Iraqi coalition
    Deputy//Nora Salem, that you consider the candidacy of President
    Talabani allowance for personal Office is not fulfilling his national,
    excluded the Kurdistan Alliance stepped this step.

    In a
    statement, said Salem (News News Agency): that the country is in crisis,
    the President of the Republic stressed the crisis because it had an
    initiative to resolve disputes sponsored by Talabani.

    She added:
    the political process in a bind and need for calm on all sides and that
    there should be political wise men try to settle disputes to get out of
    this crisis.

    The Iraqi coalition Deputy to: personal nomination
    instead of President Talabani to hold office is not fulfilling his long
    political efforts in the recent period, excluding the Kurdistan Alliance
    that stepped stepped this step.

    He is a member of State of law
    Coalition MP/National Alliance/Ibrahim Al-Rikabi, the political blocks
    waiting for the return of the President to complete his initiative,
    President Talabani acting on reason and wisdom.

    Rikabi said in
    statement (for news News Agency): the political blocks waiting for the
    healing of President Jalal Talabani and his return to the country of
    constitutional duties, wishing him a speedy recovery.

    He added:
    you never thought to nominate a new character instead for Talabani to
    the post madamh alive, he said, adding that Talabani was acting with
    reason and wisdom.

    The Attorney for the State of law Coalition:
    that the President's blood, useful initiative and we are waiting to
    complete the initiative and all political parties at the same table to
    save the country from such crises.

    The President Jalal Talabani
    was to ill to medical city hospital, and moved aboard the German medical
    team to Berlin to enter a specialist hospital./finished/2 n. p

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