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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed


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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by wciappetta Tue 02 Jun 2015, 3:46 pm

    The last part steeps of IMF art VIII compliance, with it's unrestricted capital inflows and outflows. That's how they fashion such things, institute an international edict  masked with a national label... I wonder if the the Revalue is an obstacle preventing the moving forward of the investment law? Rhetorical question...

    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Written by QS Date: 06/02/2015 12:10

    Baghdad - INA / revealed in a parliamentary finance committee member, on Tuesday, a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed, referring to the deterioration of the financial situation of the Rafidain Bank.

    He said the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider, for "The Iraqi news agency" that "Rafidain Bank financial situation deteriorating very" revealing "a proposal by the prime minister, the integration of the Rafidain and Rasheed and regarded as one bank."

    He stressed Haider, a deputy from the Kurdish bloc change, "The Finance Committee is closely following the development of State-owned banks and the conclusion reached by the Rafidain Bank of very large financial deterioration must put the necessary solutions and quick about it."

    It is a different context, Haider added that "the Finance Committee met a few days ago with the Economic Commission to study the investment law being activated and carries financial side."

    Haider said that "the lack of activating the investment law because of obstacles in front of the Investment Authority," explaining that "those obstacles spurred Parliament to enact a law gives full freedom for investors from home and abroad."

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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by Proven Tue 02 Jun 2015, 5:52 pm

    The deterioration of the financial situation of the Rafidain Bank can only mean non-performing assets, either loans to businesses or loans of the government of Iraq.  I've come to the conclusion that these banks are the equivalent to the treasury department of the US.  This is the cause of all the concern by the IMF to straighten them out over the years, because of all the debt owed by Sadam.  Remember, Iraq is only paying salaries to government employees, the rest is going to fight ISIS.  In light of this, to me this article is highlighting the fact that the government of Iraq barely has enough money to just get by and it's treasury "banks" are almost insolvent.  

    I find it interesting that this article associates the need to active the investment law to solve the deterioration of their financial situation.  Good point about international requirements disguised as national reform.  

    I wonder if the the Revalue is an obstacle preventing the moving forward of the investment law?

    I think international bankers are waiting for Iraq to put all the pieces in place and are holding back from releasing investment. Prosperity in exchange for monetary control.  It takes two to tango.

    Ward, I know you understand what I mean by it takes two to tango, but for all the rest I'll explain.  In a fixed exchange system as Iraq, the CBI can not just change the price of the dinar against the dollar unless the US Federal Reserve agrees to the change, and vis-versa.  If either party does not want to change the rate of exchange, the other party could initiate countermeasures to nullify the rate change.  

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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by weslin3 Tue 02 Jun 2015, 10:06 pm

    Then this could the hold up.... Not wanting to tango.   fish
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by ron-man Tue 02 Jun 2015, 11:19 pm

    good posts gang.

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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by Lobo Wed 03 Jun 2015, 1:56 pm

    I agree that the U.S. Federal Reserve has been the hold up all along because of the petro dollar, but the IMF and World Bank want this to happen, so I think that it will and the U.S. will be left with "tackling" the problem of Iraq as well as other countries when they depeg from the U.S. dollar.  As far as the merger of the Rafidain and Rasheed banks, it is interesting that the Rafidain bank is "having financial trouble" when the articles lately have been about the Rafidain and the IMF working together to get the Rafidain banks ready for international banking.  The IMF probably does desire just one government bank, it would be easier to control - and if the articles are correct about the IMF about Rafidain, then I could see a merger.
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by ron-man Thu 04 Jun 2015, 9:42 am

    Good point lobo.
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by mochasmom Thu 04 Jun 2015, 10:16 am

    Learning a lot, thanks everyone...Duck, do you agree that this Is a possible holdup to the RV?
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by ahill Thu 04 Jun 2015, 11:31 am

    Good read.  Thanks so much.

    Why do I  have this feeling that the RV will be a 'next year thing'

    I hope not.
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by mochasmom Thu 04 Jun 2015, 12:16 pm

    Because youve had it before lol
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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance Committee reveal a proposal to merge the Rafidain and Rasheed

    Post by ron-man Mon 08 Jun 2015, 4:49 pm

    Hang on gang.

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