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    Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year

    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

    Posts : 264
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year Empty Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year

    Post by Zuzu Sun 30 Dec 2012, 2:22 am

    Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year

    12/30/2012 12:00 am

    Security and defense support received provincial security file
    Baghdad Alaa al-Tai Shaima Rashid

    revealed political sources for leaders reached Baghdad and Erbil to a tentative agreement will hopefully signed in the second of next January in Arbil after what was scheduled today, to end the crisis between the parties and which are drawn automatic distribution of security forces in the disputed areas ", while Committee announced that security and defense parliamentary support received Iraqi provinces security file itself, including the disputed areas. said the leader of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman told the" Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ": that approval initially between Maliki and Barzani reached on signing of the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil and find a formula for the management of the disputed areas and end the crisis between the two parties. Abizaid: that the agreement reached by a 14-item describes manage affairs in relation to security and control points, according to the agreement will gradually withdraw troops of the disputed areas and agreed on coordination between the Peshmerga and the Federal Army and the involvement of the people of those areas to protect. "In the meantime confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance bloc that meeting, which was scheduled for Sunday in the city of Irbil between technical delegation from the Ministry of Defense and a delegation from the Ministry of Peshmerga has been postponed to next Wednesday. A member of the Kurdistan Alliance Chuan Mohamed Taha's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": "The two sides agreed to hold their next meeting on the second of January 2013, in order to reach a solution to the issue of disengagement of forces in mixed areas." explained "The reasons for the postponement technical and procedural, not political, because the nature of the delegation purely technical in order to reach a suitable mechanism to deal with the security file in those areas." For his part, member of the Iraqi bloc white Kazem Al-Shammari told the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that the final agreement between the government and the Kurdish delegation that was reached is a final agreement on the issues that were the subject of the dispute. MP for the National Alliance on Dhari Fayad has among told the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that preliminary information indicates the presence of a lot of optimism and understanding of All parties, whether by the Government Center or by the province and they do not have, but to be at the center of one and one directed towards finding appropriate solutions reservation property and the rights of citizens and preserve the constitution and each party benefits. Moreover Committee announced that the parliamentary security and defense yesterday that receive support Iraqi provinces, the security file itself, including the disputed areas. A source in the Commission's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": "We must receive Iraqi provinces manage security on their own, particularly the disputed areas of knowledge sufficient nature provinces and the security situation in it." And referred to "support for the security and defense committee parliamentary initiative House Speaker Osama Nujaifi for resolving the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil. noting not go any of the members of the committee to the Kurdistan region, but contented themselves visit the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. "

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    Posts : 10948
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    Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year Empty Re: Signing of an agreement to end the crisis between Baghdad and Arbil early next year

    Post by Neno Sun 30 Dec 2012, 2:43 pm

    Edited and added to calender event in the bottom of the creation of the thread for January 2nd, 2013

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