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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jumaili: We seek to implement the side of reforms

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Jumaili: We seek to implement the side of reforms Empty Jumaili: We seek to implement the side of reforms

    Post by day dreamer Sun 06 Sep 2015, 6:47 pm

    Jumaili: We seek to implement the side of reforms


     7/9/2015 0:00

     BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi
     Said Minister of Planning Dr. Salman al-Jumaili the need to meet the challenges facing economically the country and the resulting drop in oil prices and the channeling of funds needed to meet Daash terrorist gangs by putting economic vision to meet these challenges and to move the implementation of the reforms set by the government to get out of this crisis, steps are correct and Madrosh.obin Jumaili »Sabah» During the seminar held by the progress of policy development institute that the ministry is burdened with financial obligations and listed it has within the previous investment plan before receiving the ministry's tasks, including more than 259 trillion Denaroalnatjh about the presence of 9000 project carried out by the ministries and provinces, which arranged on the ministry's a lot of commitments Almalah.onoh Jumaili that the presence of so many projects resulting from the lack of a clear and well thought out for the Ministry of economic vision and provinces at a time of plenty that burdened the country with these obligations in time to suffer its debt and for the ministry to take measures to address that legacy and in line with the reforms package by putting them a plan to reduce the number of projects, particularly lagging projects, including pointing out reduced to 6000 project, as well as reduce the cost to about 150 trillion dinars and in spite of that amount is still too large to some extent Colh.obin Jumaili that these reforms will bite if implemented, public support because the government alone is capable of to achieve the reforms into law tariff passed by the House of Representatives, which is difficult to implement unless the rule of law imposed on all ports without variation in the application between the province and other accompanying collection of fees for water and electricity, which voted him the blocks but obstacles emerged when the execution, which he must support the community and institutions to achieve the desired reform ..

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