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    Washington requires political reforms in Baghdad before the release of more economic aid

    Admin Assist
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    Washington requires political reforms in Baghdad before the release of more economic aid Empty Washington requires political reforms in Baghdad before the release of more economic aid

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Apr 2016, 3:55 pm

    [ltr]Washington requires political reforms in Baghdad before the release of more economic aid[/ltr]

    [ltr]APRIL 23, 2016[/ltr]
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    Washington «Quds Al-Arabi»: President Barack Obama believes the United States and the Gulf states wait to see the extent of Iraq's ability to resolve the political crisis before more aid, noting that the political process paralysis hampering US efforts to defeat al «Islamic state» and rebuild the country the war-torn. 
    Obama warning the explicit aim is apparently to put pressure on Iraqi leaders to put the internal differences aside for the declaration of a stable government, and these statements reflect, too, the extent of the limits of Obama's ability in the Middle East and what can be achieved during the short trip to Saudi Arabia and his meetings with the leaders of the six countries Gulf where he left with a few promises in response to the commitments demanded the Gulf states of the United States. 
    Obama explained that there are a lot of big challenges in Baghdad at the moment, stressing that it is important to the United States to make sure that the dollars provided to Iraq would be spent on an effective face with the settlement of political problems there. 
    The irony here came one day before this statement, when US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter urged his colleagues in the Arab Gulf states to increase economic and political support for Iraq, despite knowledge that the Gulf countries extremely reluctant to invest heavily in Iraq before the submission of the Iraqi government further submission towards stability and bringing the year to the political process. Carter was asked, in particular, from the Gulf to assist in the reconstruction of Ramadi, Hit, Anbar province and Mnatqoakhary in a state of chaos and destruction, adding that helping the Iraqi people to return to their homes and rebuild their lives, something that would perpetuate the victory and to promote a more inclusive government. 
    The US president tried to persuade Gulf states in cooperation with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, saying he is a good partner of the United States, but very much of the burden, pointing out that the current political challenges in Iraq is not only located along traditional sectarian fault lines «years, Shiites, Kurds,» said that it is necessary for the safety and stability of Iraq put the final touches to the cabinet so that the country can focus on the deep problems in the long term. 
    American interest in resolving the political crisis in Iraq is aimed at the first class not to influence the war against al «Islamic State» The Iraqi government, for example, it was forced recently to call a lot of soldiers to Baghdad to confront the demonstrations instead of the anti-regulation, and the political turmoil is an important factor for the rise organize »State» again, and beyond that, there is a US fears that political chaos in Iraq would destroy the relative political stability in the country in the long term. 
    In fact, the White House and the Defense Ministry contradictory attitudes towards solving the political crisis in Iraq look, while the US administration emphasizes the priority of resolving the crisis, according to Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, said US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, on the other hand that the war against al «Islamic State »will not be affected sectarian divisions in Iraq or Baghdad crisis, but the military, politicians and Washington agreed on one thing is that the battle against the organization's success generally requires economic and political progress, especially around sectarian issues. 
    Dramatic scene politician in Iraq represents the exit of thousands of Iraqis to protest and call for government reforms, came a wave of anger because of Baghdad's failure to provide basic services such as electricity and widespread government corruption, and resentment boiled by the economic crisis in Iraq because of lower oil prices on an exceptional basis and the cost of war against al «Islamic state» especially for political reasons, sive attempts in some quarters to prevent al-Abbadi of reforms for several reasons, including a fear in some quarters of the loss of control over some of the ministries, in addition to the keenness of other parties to show that al-Abadi ineffective procedures and that political rival failed. 
    In the end, the United States limited options in Iraq, and politicians and Washington are aware of this, and the American interest only true in Iraq is to maintain the kind of political cohesion in Baghdad and speed up the military campaign against al «Islamic state» in order to defeat and then it does not matter.

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