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    Major changes in Iraq's foreign policy

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Major changes in Iraq's foreign policy Empty Major changes in Iraq's foreign policy

    Post by day dreamer Tue 25 Jun 2013, 9:32 pm

    Major changes in Iraq's foreign policy

     06/26/2013 12:00 AM

    Contributed to the disposal of the international provisions
     Baghdad morning
     He followed Iraq after the fall of the dictatorial regime in 2003, foreign policy has made a radical change in the policy pursued by Saddam's regime principles that the situation in Iraq in more than a dilemma international through its policies closed and hostile, through openness to the world in order to ensure the return of Iraq to normal and prestige prestigious the international community, has culminated in this successful policy required the UN Security Council on Thursday as the date for a vote to remove Iraq from Chapter VII. Here are the main changes that have occurred in Iraq's foreign policy:
      First: constants and general lines:

    Bien Federal Constitution of the Republic of Iraq constants legal shaping Iraq's foreign policy through its articles (3,8,9 of paragraph e, 21, 107 First) according to the following:
    1. Article III of the Constitution, the general directions of foreign policy within the concept of the fact that Iraq is part of the Islamic world and part of the Arab world as a founding member and active in the League of Arab States asserting a constitutional commitment to its charter and consistent vision of the new Iraq. (Iraq is a country of multiple nationalities, religions and sects, which is part of the Islamic world, and the founder and active member of the Arab League and is committed to its charter).
    2. Either Article VIII of the Constitution Vtansrv to determine the constants of the application of foreign policy and ethics through the commitment of the Republic of Iraq not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and build a peaceful and constructive dialogue with the parties to the international community and شخوصه from other countries and international organizations. (Iraq shall principles of good neighborliness, and is committed to non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and seeks to resolve disputes by peaceful means, establish relations on the basis of common interests and reciprocity, and respect its international obligations).
    3. Confirms Article IX of the Constitution, paragraph (e), the peaceful orientation of foreign policy of the new Iraq by respecting Iraq's international obligations to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, use or production, or a development or possession of technology associated with them. (Respect for the Iraqi government and implement Iraq's international obligations to prevent the spread and development, production and use of nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons and prevents its relevant development, manufacture, production and use of equipment and materials, technology and communication systems).
    4. Not ignored the Constitution humanitarian aspects associated with the granting of asylum and including sponsoring aspects of moral and legal associated with this subject both internally and externally as part of the fundamentals of foreign policy and through Article XXI, first, second and third. (First: prohibits handing the Iraqi authorities and foreign authorities. Secondly: regulates asylum Political to Iraq by law, and may not be delivered political refugee to a foreign destination, or forcibly returned to the country which he fled. Thirdly: ايمنح the right of political asylum to international crimes suspect, or a terrorist, or of the right to harm Iraq).
    5. Complement the vision of constitutional to draw foreign policy defined in Article one hundred and seven: first, that the drawing of foreign policy and diplomatic representation are among the terms of reference of the federal authorities. (Federal authorities will have exclusive powers of the following: First: Formulating foreign policy and diplomatic representation and negotiation of international treaties and conventions and policies of borrowing and signature and concluded economic policy and sovereign foreign trade).

    Applied describe the path of Iraqi foreign policy in general framework:

    For granted that the birth of the new Iraq has come in the international environment and exceptional within the area of ​​exceptional witnessed the collapse of the former regime and the U.S. military presence in Iraq and the region and created by the complex calculations in the equations of regional and international patterns of multiple political, security, economic and social, was in front of foreign policy to proceed to achieve its goals in the the midst of these difficulties, and here we would like to include these main objectives according to include them practical associated with conditions that stage as follows:
    1. Followed Iraq's new foreign policy that achieved a radical change of the policy pursued by the previous regime that the situation in Iraq more than a dilemma international through its policies closed and hostile, through openness to the world in order to ensure the return of Iraq to normal and prestige prestigious in the international community, it has gone foreign policy To achieve that goal by two simultaneous trends since 2003 and to this day, تمثلا: First - the completion of the implementation of Iraq's international obligations guarantors out of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
    Secondly - Expand openness Iraqi diplomat around the world confirmation of the orientations peaceful New To interests of political, economic, and in this context, Iraq sought and continues to solve all outstanding issues with Kuwait, as well as resolving the outstanding issues with neighboring countries in total, with emphasis on the establishment of diplomatic relations balanced with Mahtma International, east and west, particularly with the United States after the American military completed its withdrawal of the end of 2011 as part of an agreement to withdraw U.S. forces, which represents one of the most important achievements of Iraq's foreign policy compared to similar international experiences in the same context.

    A timeline

     Comes the march of the foreign policy of the Republic of Iraq as part of a timeline witnessing fundamental transformations in the region and the world a whole, represent an additional challenge to benefit Iraq's foreign policy and its goals, and the most important of the wave of Arab uprisings that beset the region, the keenness of Iraq through quiet diplomacy and effective stand a single space of all parties to change Within the path of moral and legal approach to foreign policy, calling for the achievement of popular demands through dialogue and political and economic reform in countries rebellious hand. urged Arab governments to take into account the application of human rights principles in dealing with the popular movements in those countries, for example, the position of Iraq from Syria through the initiative to invite Government to dialogue with the opposition under the auspices of the Arab League, as well as Iraq's position on the crisis in Bahrain, calling for the Bahraini government did not deal violently with demonstrators.

    Significant achievements

     The achievements also important for the foreign policy of Iraq at this stage in the general framework of note Iraq's transition from the stage of the reaction that accompanied the atmosphere change in 2003 to phase act as a prelude to play a wider role in shaping political equations in the region in general, would this policy within their tracks current and thanks to the development political process and the security situation in Iraq will be able to foreign policy that constitutes a key factor in achieving economic prosperity by contributing actors bring foreign investment as part of the reconstruction of Iraq, which began to clear heralds at this stage that can establish economic take-off to make the presence of Iraq in the field of international economics effective and essential given the attributes of the oil and human resources to qualify for that role, and that too is another aspect of the Iraqi diplomatic victory, with confirmation of the difficulties surrounding regionally and internationally

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