BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq revealed commander of the armed forces , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on the status of plans to cope with terrorist attacks, "declaring seek the Iraqi government to strengthen relations with Turkey . " He said al - Abadi in his weekly press, on Tuesday, "reassure citizens that there are plans to cope with terrorist attacks , "adding that" there are security breaches and issued instructions on all the wheels movement in Baghdad and the provinces . "He added that" a lot of cities and world capitals and exposed to attacks and breaches of security of the apparatus . "He stressed : " we need a global intelligence cooperation to speed up the elimination of Daesh terrorist " pointing out that "there are terrorist networks linked Bdaash and some of the media trying to promote terrorism , " al - Abadi . He expressed his ambition for the cooperation of members of the House of Representatives in the selection process and the interior and defense ministers. " 
"It is not correct to use the blood of innocent people for political Tsagit" and called on "everyone to cooperate and work to restore security and thwart organized crime, and to public awareness to counter the threat of terrorism and extremism , " noting that " the world praises Iraq and his achievements in the war on terror . " He continued , "we have made progress significant liberalization processes Mosul in recent days, has been providing services to neighborhoods liberated in Mosul and the reopening of schools and the ration card items and service power " and called on " the members of the Nineveh provincial council to be present in the liberated areas and hold meetings where ".ooaln Prime Minister, he said that" the Council of Ministers approved today the National intelligence Service Act and submit it to the House of Representatives, and the Board approved the project of the Ministry of Electricity Law , "stressing that" although the mechanism crisis and the state of austerity , but Iraq is making victories and achievements ".ofatt Abadi, that" the Kurdistan region exported more than its specific percentage of oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan , "calling for the province to more transparency and clarity in the export of oil" , stressing that " the Turkish Prime Minister Ben Ali Yildirim will visit Iraq soon, within the exchange of visits between the two countries , the program and seek to strengthen bilateral relations."