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    It frees the popular crowd and spend a large area of ​​urban

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    It frees the popular crowd and spend a large area of ​​urban Empty It frees the popular crowd and spend a large area of ​​urban

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2017, 2:37 am

    It frees the popular crowd and spend a large area of ​​urban

    4/26/2017 0:00

    Our forces cleansed Tanak neighborhood in the right side
    Baghdad / Mosul morning / Sunrise Maher
    It saw the early hours of a massive operation launched by the popular crowd forces at dawn on Tuesday, supported by army aviation to liberate the urban spend and around the south-west of Mosul areas, to achieve quick victories against the mass escape of Doaash. While continuing our units, provided in the depth of the old city, it completed clearing Tanak district completely within the right side.
    Details of the urban process
    After a brief period of the rush of the popular crowd forces, towards the liberation of urban spend on behalf of operations (Muhammad , the Messenger of Allah {r}) said a statement issued by the Media Authority popular crowd, that operations launched from three main axes with the participation of all brigades of the popular crowd.
    He declared that "these forces cut off during the early hours of the battle about 12 kilometers while fled terrorists" Daesh "and their leaders fled towards the district center, but the Hawks Army Air destroyed convoys of terrorists fleeing the advance of our troops, and enable the Champions Brigade 11 , a popular crowd of liberation village of Tal Hilalah north of the urban Tel Hilaam archaeological, while the heroes of the second Brigade free village of Ein pus south of the judiciary. "
    The free Heroes Brigade 26 of the crowd north of the village of al - Alwani , the entire urban, popular crowd forces the villages of eastern and western Aalabh Aalabh subsidiaries to eliminate improvised explosive devices as well as cleared and in fact the families of a number of families of the two villages and provided them with the required assistance. At the same time , the dawn of the popular crowd Gyari five wheels bomb carrying terrorist suicide bombers tried to target the cuts liberated, while the engineering field by the crowd lifting dozens of improvised explosive devices planted by Aldoaash for urban roads north. The statement continued that the heroes of brigade 14 popular crowd found a secret cache of weapons and ammunition "Daesh gangs" featuring 120 mm caliber mortars north of the urban areas. Securing the border with Syria , in turn, announced the leadership of the popular crowd Jawad Tlabawi, the body popular crowd forces are making significant progress in the liberation of the urban , which was launched at dawn on Tuesday to spend operations. He revealed the existence of strategic plans will be implemented in the coming period, noting that " the popular crowd forces move towards the districts of Baaj, Kairouan and securing the Iraqi - Syrian border after the completion of liberalization and urban areas spend its perfectly, especially as the crowd forces managed to cut the supply line Daesh link between Baaj and urban bombing seven Mfajkhat in Almsultn village of urban and killed seven Doaash during the battle, but the leaders of terrorists Daesh urban resorting to the deployment of detachments to prevent families from escaping toward the crowd forces areas. " Tlabawi said the fighting on all axes is going on according to the specific high coordinate among the crowd forces and the Army Air targets, which confounded Aldoaash and lost their senses, adding that our forces have focused on the human side as it was keen to open safe corridors for civilians and keep them away from the oppression of Aldoaash as well as providing them with the necessary needs of water, food and medicine. Incursion into the old city and the old city within the right part of the conductor quoted correspondent "morning" for leading federal police forces, Ali Mohsen as saying that our troops have made yesterday clear progress towards the city center and the backing air effectively and is now Al - Nouri mosque surrounded by great from all directions in preparation for storming and eliminate on suicide bombers "Daesh" stationed inside the mosque and rescue beacon humpback from ruining those gangs. "He added that the federal police forces managed to kill 33 Daashaa during separate operations took place at dawn yesterday, as it was liberated Katunah and Rihaneh and the ancient Nineveh desecrated Aldoaash. He said troops Taatq Blood cautiously anxious to ensure the safety of families who withheld these terrorists within the narrow alleys within the old city. In addition, the commander of the sixth division of the Federal Police Major General Haider Almzawra edit the entire old city was likely over the next few days. This coincided with the confirmation of the Federal Police Headquarters, edit 260 thousand residents of the old city were terrorists using them as human shields. killed 500 Daasha came the achievements of our units , after the announcement of the commander of operations " are coming, Nineveh," Lieutenant - General Abdul Amir Aarallah, said the anti - terrorism forces completed yesterday editing and clearing the entire Tanak neighborhood in a Right Coast from the grip of the terrorist organization, Mekpdh enemy great losses in lives and equipment. At the same level, the commander of the anti - terrorism forces , Lieutenant - General Abdul - Ghani al - Asadi, revealed that the battle to liberate Tanak neighborhood that killed hundreds Aldoaash, explaining that the liberation of this neighborhood process completely ended after the killing of 72 Daashaa during operations on Tuesday , which is one of the fiercest battles which resulted in the killing of more peek than 500 Daasha since its inception.

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