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    Allawi: the popular crowd Iraqi institutions reject insulting them

    Admin Assist
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    Allawi: the popular crowd Iraqi institutions reject insulting them Empty Allawi: the popular crowd Iraqi institutions reject insulting them

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 May 2017, 3:32 am

    Allawi: the popular crowd Iraqi institutions reject insulting them

    5/23/2017 0:38

    Baghdad / Al- Sabah
    stressed Vice President Iyad Allawi rejected insulting and overtaking on the popular crowd, noting that the crowd Iraqi Foundation made sacrifices to liberate the territory, revealing informed the Turkish side of the need to move away from insulting the crowd and the withdrawal of troops stationed in Baishqh.oukal Allawi , quoted by statements media Directorate in the form of the popular crowd on Monday: "We reject insulting the popular crowd , which has become an Iraqi institution made a lot of sacrifices for the liberation of lands" .ofatt to it "deserves to be respected," Allawi disclosed that informed the Vice President of the Turkish Republic of the need to speed up the withdrawal of forces m Camp Ba'shiqah, stressing that "the presence of foreign troops must have the consent of the commander of the armed forces and the Iraqi parliament," adding that "the presence of Turkish troops now in this way, is illegal and inappropriate" .bdorha, praised the "Geneva" International, the commitment of the popular crowd appeal organization and respect for human rights, introduction thanks to the efforts of the body crowd in cooperation with its cadres, and stressed " the Geneva Call" delegation, during his visit body crowd headquarters in Baghdad on the first Sunday , " the role of the humanitarian crowd in the relief of civilians during the ongoing battles against the " Daesh "terrorist", noting that " the organization has set up courses for employees of the crowd in the areas of mankind Intention . " For his part, stressed a spokesman for the body popular crowd Ahmed al - Asadi of the delegation of the " Geneva Call ", that" the crowd popular in all the battles, especially the final battle in Kairouan is the only responsible for opening safe corridors for displaced people and then take them and perform the initial inspection and fill cars displaced fuel and feed those who need food and treatment is the need for treatment . " for his part, the leader of the popular crowd Abu Mahdi engineer, that all the liberated villages in the vicinity of Kairouan will return to its people especially Yezidis of them, and the face of engineer words for dozens of residents of the villages of Yazidi liberated by saying:" We will stand a shield to defend you And not be allowed to repeat the tragedy that you place it, "he said . " Yezidis fought with us to liberate their villages and armed with force and patience, "said engineer during his participation in the celebration of parents and fighters in the liberated villages surroundings of Kairouan:" The villages Jelo named Fathi North and South and Tel cane and Tel Ghazal liberated, will return to its people especially Yezidis them , "calling" Yazidis to celebrate the salvation of the "Daesh" and return to their areas , "explained Eng . " The area of the page of Kairouan operations will end soon and we will start the implementation of the next page ".oiqterp popular crowd days after the last of the liberation hand of Kairouan which is Of the most important strongholds of the "Daesh" terrorist because of its proximity to the Syrian border and through which are transported logistic tide from the border to the other strongholds, and saw the number of crimes committed by the organization , including the extermination of census 1200 people from the Yezidi component village "Kojo", where they were killed men and recruitment of children, kidnapping and captivity of women.

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