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    Abadi planned restructuring of the crowd and amending its law to end the rebellion of some factions

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    Abadi planned restructuring of the crowd and amending its law to end the rebellion of some factions Empty Abadi planned restructuring of the crowd and amending its law to end the rebellion of some factions

    Post by Rocky Sat 08 Jul 2017, 1:40 am

    Abadi planned restructuring of the crowd and amending its law to end the rebellion of some factions

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

    Tensions gradually between Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and leaders in the popular crowd. And confirm sources of the National Alliance , said the dispute between the deep and complex nature of the parties and take the challenge.
    The crowd leaders accuse the prime minister of trying to curb this formation , despite the adoption of its law in parliament, and talking about Abadi refused to involve them in the structure of the crowd drawing, and his attempt to impose figures from the defense and interior to lead the crowd. The sources expected to turn the prime minister to embarrass the leaders of the crowd by offering the first amendment in the form of the crowd in front of the law of parliament , depending on the support of Sunni parties.

    The Abadi had opened fire on the leaders of the crowd, before his visit to Saudi Arabia, and accused them of dragging their feet in the liberation of the city of Tal Afar , despite the issuance of orders. Lord Badr Organization , Hadi al - Ameri , leader of the harsh criticism of the prime minister and held responsible for the delayed military processes. Abu Mahdi also directed engineer lined accusations of Ebadi, defying attempts to solve the crowd, pointed to a standing regional and international parties to them.
    The prime minister said, during the recent press conference, said that the talk about solving the crowd is the work of international intelligence.
    Parliamentary sources describe the National Alliance , the differences between the prime minister and the leaders of the popular crowd and great and deep and complex, stressing that the dispute took enters the stage of the challenge between the two parties in relation to the structure of the crowd.
    The sources, which spoke of the "long" and refused to reveal her identity, that "the most controversial points that sparked the dispute between the Abadi and the crowd of issuing instructions to the structure of the popular crowd and rationing forces set up in post - Daesh."
    In November last year , the House of Representatives voted by majority in the form of the popular crowd law after much debate between the National Alliance and the Union of Iraqi forces that have made reservations on the legislation of the law.
    These sources and draws to the presence of large intersections between popular Abadi and the crowd around the entity authorized to issue instructions governing the implementation of the popular crowd law. The sources confirmed that the high head of government "insists on writing these instructions himself without the involvement of the leaders of the crowd."
    The sources added that "among other points of contention are the leaders of the crowd demanding the need to have a role in the security of Baghdad as well as the maintenance of main roads, and specifically the road link between the capital Baghdad and the port Trebil border."
    According to informed sources to "intercept some factions of the popular crowd on the task of assigning external roads to protect US companies." Shiite sources expressed dismay that "these differences lead in the event of failure to resolve problems and disagreements up to the collision."
    The Council Alonbarkd province recently announced near the referral of the international highway link between the capital Baghdad and the port Trebil border with Jordan to the US company responsible for the reconstruction of infrastructure and the establishment of service facilities in addition to securing a prelude to the re - opening of the Mufz.
    The sources speak about the existence of fears of not contain the crisis, especially with the "desire to reduce the number of Abadi popular crowd to 80 thousand combatants and the demobilization of senior age and volunteer staff." The sources expect that the differences between the leaders of al - Abadi and the crowd clearly appear after the completion of liberation from the control of Iraqi cities Daesh.
    Sources say , "There are factions want to move without reference to the general commander of the armed forces, which erupted the ire of al - Abadi , who wants the administration to be centralized for all military units." The sources revealed that " the United States and Gulf countries pushing for a solution body popular crowd."
    He accused the vice president of the popular crowd Abu Mahdi engineer, recently, the United States launched a campaign of "psychological", and described as "severe", aimed to sow discord among the ranks of the crowd and the pressure towards reduced. Eng stressed that the crowd would not enter a formal institution elections , except for some parties that are already common in the political process.
    Sources confirm that "Abadi began studying at the present time issuing instructions for the application of the law of the popular crowd, and in the event of not being able to send the first amendment to the crowd of the Parliament Act in order to make some adjustments and add new formulas being able to resolve these intersections."
    The leadership of the most prominent body crowd sticking points facing the prime minister. Sources say "there are sharp disagreements over the presidency of the body in the event of the popular crowd had been instructed to implement the law, is going to be a political or military character." The sources said that " the crowd leaders want to entrust the leadership of political figures, and the appointment of al - Abadi faired military figures with experience and competence."
    Shiite sources of high and suggest that "the Abadi re popular mobilization of the Parliament Act in order to modify the solution to all the points of contention, notably the appointment of the commander and his deputy , " asserting that "these amendments are welcome by Sunni forces that will pay passing them in the parliament."
    In the same context, it confirms the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary member Majid Ghraoui "the existence of differences between the crowd and Abadi , the views and some of the positions of some factions that intend to participate in the fighting outside Iraq , " stressing that " the body popular crowd linked to General Commander of the Armed Forces is determined to participate in battles with any armed faction. "
    Speaks a member of the Liberal Sadrist bloc, told the "term", for "the existence of factions belonging to the crowd trying to rebel against the paragraphs of the popular crowd that body linked to General Commander of the Armed Forces Act , " adding that "these differences stand behind certain political positions."
    Criticizes Majid Ghraoui Prime Minister delayed the issuance of instructions and rules of procedure of the Law Commission the popular crowd, adding that "some are trying to put forward proposals do not satisfy the general commander of the armed forces, and be the subject of controversy and disagreement."
    In turn , Razak mheibes, a member of the Badr parliamentary bloc says that " the crowd the law is regulating the work of the crowd body that is directly linked to General Commander of the Armed Forces", stressing that these forces remain within the security services and will be subject to the laws of the Iraqi state. "
    Explains MP mheibes, in a statement "long", that "there is a consensus on strengthening and assigning the popular crowd , " adding that " the difference in views does not spoil the friendliness of the issue."

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