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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Residential projects achieved significant economic returns


    Posts : 5060
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Residential projects achieved significant economic returns Empty Residential projects achieved significant economic returns

    Post by chouchou Tue 24 Sep 2013, 12:03 pm

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    Encouraged specialists Economists on vertical construction to solve the housing crisis in Iraq to ease the burden on cities, stressing that the country has vast areas flat is good ground for the construction of modern cities and clusters. Comes at a time he considered by some as the construction of these units comes بمردود multiplier in economic and human development , as well as for the operation of the Iraqi workforce and contribute to tackling unemployment and demonstrated the shortness.

    Housing problem

    Economic expert, Dr. Majid picture called in a statement for the (morning) the competent authorities to solve the housing crisis, especially as the government bears responsibility for the distribution of adequate housing for low-income and poor classes too. Said Suri that the establishment of any residential complex will contribute to solving the problem, regardless of the circumstances in which hovering on the subject, but in the case of implementation will be solved a lot of social and economic problems, saying that the solution to this crisis will reduce the pressure on the cities and solve a large part of its problems, as it must start in parallel to focus on rural and poor classes and gradually the middle classes and then most of them to resolve the crisis housing. continued expert saying: that the process of establishing the residential units will lead to the activation of factor multiplier in economic development, as will a large part of the problem of unemployment, and activating the roles of small and medium industries that serve these projects, as well as do other projects complementary to, as it is considered as liaison connected to each other.

    Investment climate

    As for the cities trendy saw Suri that he "must provide a suitable climate for the investment, and will Iqbal foreign companies to build residential complexes, as well as the investment of other sectors, including agriculture, industry, and that these cities will not solve the housing crisis in Iraq, but to a particular class of society which slide above average ", adding that the investment projects as a بسماية is Kmquaolh with the Korean company the State bears the bulk of the money at subsidized prices, either residential complexes in the Kurdistan region vary from apartment complexes in the rest of the provinces, particularly that it was given to the private sector and the provincial government has provided aid financial, contributed to the solution of many problems of housing in this area.

    Parliamentary acclaim

    In turn, praised the member of the Economic Commission parliamentary MP Nahida Daini role of the government as the official sponsor for the establishment of residential complexes, considering them a good step in order to solve the housing crisis and the phenomenon of abuses and slums that became the case spread in the country. Said Daini (morning): "The Iraqi territory wide , and must state that you create these complexes and residential projects, as the country needs thousands of these residential units, on the grounds that its economic feasibility during the next phase, "noting that the national economy is currently not able to bear the burden cities investment integrated, which is a step civilized and advanced . said committee member said, "What was built residential complexes does not fill only 1 percent of the needs of the country, urging the allocation of part of the public budget allocations on a regular basis to most of the provinces to build these apartment complexes include primarily with special needs, widows and the poor, as well as for the construction of residential units in installments to employees with limited income.

    Activating sectors

    And called Daini government to a revolution for the construction of these units during the next term, especially as the Iraq territory vast uninhabited can be distributed, and supported by the ministries of industry, housing and municipalities for the establishment of these complexes integrated, pointing out that building complexes will lead to the activation of several sectors, including activation of plants and factories private and public sector and mixed , as well as the operation of labor, thereby eliminating the unemployment rate in the country, but must be of interest to the government and private sector, as it improves the level of Iraqi companies with bringing in some foreign expertise for these projects.


    As for modern cities integrated saw a member of the Committee it is a step distinct has been achieved self-sufficiency integrated in various aspects, services and productive sectors, including in the field of agriculture, and the establishment of schools and health clinics, in addition to the provision of housing and urban entertainment markets, usually it as "a leap of civilization in the history of cities and in place in Most of the foreign countries that self-sufficient and economic integration, "noting at the same time that Iraq has a new experience in this area where it was to start a بسماية which is in its first steps. mentioned that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said recently:" The housing sector at the forefront of priorities government, but our efforts are focused to support the private sector to invest in this area, because the citizen who does not have a residence feel strange in his homeland and instability. "words Maliki this came during a speech at the signing ceremony of investment contracts for the cities of the future (1 and 2) in the region of الدهنة by 30 thousand residential units, and the Committee of Baghdad in the area of ​​Dabbash by 20 thousand residential units, between the National Authority for Investment and companies Blorm and bitter melon Alamarateten Shamara Holding Company.

    And the government now projects for the construction of housing units and to distribute pieces of land for free between the needy and the poor in Baghdad and the provinces, as well as the efforts of the ministries of the State to build housing complexes for their employees in order to solve the housing problem that has accumulated result of negligence of the dictatorial regime and its policies and wars, as it did not build a residential complex, hospitals and schools since 1985.

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