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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq's losses exceeded $ 350 billion as a result of corruption

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq's losses exceeded $ 350 billion as a result of corruption Empty Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq's losses exceeded $ 350 billion as a result of corruption

    Post by Rocky Mon 01 Jan 2018, 9:14 am

    Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq's losses exceeded $ 350 billion as a result of corruption

    18:09 - 01/01/2018
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    Information / Special ...
    The Committee on Parliamentary Integrity announced on Monday that Iraq lost more than 350 billion dollars through the smuggling of currency and the auction of the Central Bank and the labyrinth contracts and imaginary projects, while noting the possibility of investing money held abroad to pay the debts and overcome the economic crisis.
    "There is a lot of money coming out of Iraq, some of them are privatized and held in international banks, which is the real remedy for the financial crisis that the country is going through and enough to pay the debts of the World Bank, which exceeded 120 billion dollars," said Abdul Karim Abtan, a member of the committee.
    He added that "Iraq has lost more than 350 billion dollars since 2003 and so far, it went through the smuggling of currency and the auction of the central brick and contracts lag and imaginary projects," pointing out that "the financial imports to Iraq since the fall of the former regime exceeded the $ 1000 billion and spent about 500 Billion for operating budgets and the rest to the imaginary investment budget and the greatest corruption.
    It is noteworthy that Western reports issued this week, announced that Iraq has lost more than 250 billion dollars since 2003 and so far as a result of administrative and financial corruption.

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