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    Barzani holds an "important" meeting in Sulaymaniyah to discuss joining the largest bloc

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Barzani holds an "important" meeting in Sulaymaniyah to discuss joining the largest bloc Empty Barzani holds an "important" meeting in Sulaymaniyah to discuss joining the largest bloc

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Sep 2018, 2:32 am

    Barzani holds an "important" meeting in Sulaymaniyah to discuss joining the largest bloc

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    Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) vice president, Nihirvan Barzani, arrived in Sulaymaniyah early Saturday to hold an "important" meeting with the political forces to discuss the unification of the Kurdish position towards joining the "bigger bloc", according to informed sources in the Kurdistan region. 

    Kurdish sources told Alsumaria News that "Najirvan Barzani accompanied by a high-level delegation from his party arrived this morning to the city of Sulaymaniyah to hold an important meeting with a number of Kurdish political forces, notably the Movement for Change opposition," noting that "the most important contents of the meeting to consider joining the Greater Bloc. "

    The sources added that "Barzani and his delegation will hold a meeting with the General Coordinator of the Movement for Change opposition Omar Sid Ali at the headquarters of the change in Zorkata Sulaymaniyah." 

    "The meeting will deal with two main axes, the first to unify the Kurdish positions in the current negotiations in Baghdad in order to form a new federal government, and the second to discuss the parliamentary elections in the region scheduled for the end of next September," the sources said. 

    This comes at the time of Barzani and his delegation held two meetings yesterday in the city of Erbil with two parties from the four opposition parties, the Islamic Group's emir Ali Babir, and the Secretary-General of the Coalition for Democracy and Justice Barham Saleh.

    The axis of "victory - passers" led by Haider Abadi and Muqtada al-Sadr has announced the night of Sunday, the gathering of 177 deputies to form the largest bloc, while the axis of "conquest - the rule of law" led by Hadi al-Amiri and Nuri al-Maliki, the formation of "coalition building" and the gathering of 145 deputies To form the largest bloc. 

    It seems that the Kurdish party has become an egg Alqban that will settle the equation by joining one of the two axes to announce the largest number of deputies can form the next government.

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