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    Parliamentary Reports of the Ministry of Planning on poverty rates inaccurate

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Reports of the Ministry of Planning on poverty rates inaccurate  Empty Parliamentary Reports of the Ministry of Planning on poverty rates inaccurate

    Post by Rocky Tue 22 Apr 2014, 4:18 pm

    Parliamentary Reports of the Ministry of Planning on poverty rates inaccurate

    04/22/14 .. BAGHDAD / News .. Baghdadi criticized member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Nora Salem, on Tuesday, the plans adopted by the Ministry of Planning in the measurement of poverty rates in the country.
    Salem said in a statement / Baghdadi News / "The mechanisms adopted by the Ministry of Planning in the measurement of poverty rates in the country depends on the basis of a field survey on a single sample and therefore generalization Nta?jhaaly all governorates of Iraq."

    It showed that he "has not been so far the implementation of the plans concerning the reduction of the poverty rate," asserting that "the Ministry of Planning in return provide reports and inaccurate data."

    She said committee member said that "the reality of the country is proof of the lack of health ministry statement," pointing out that "there are significant abuses and high rates of begging and accommodation in the homes of non-livable."

    The Ministry of Planning, predicted lower rates of poverty in the country to 16% in 2014 compared to a rate of poverty last year.

    He said ministry spokesman Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi said that "the ministry will soon start to make connections with the World Bank, a point advisory to prepare new five-year strategy to alleviate poverty-running five years after the current strategy that is nearing completion by the end of this year."

    Hindawi said, "We expect the ministry to decrease poverty rates during the current year to 16% in light of the application of five-year plan to reduce poverty," he said, adding that "the poverty rate expected to reach at the end of this year is very high compared with the potential of Iraq's economy."

    In earlier called on the UN Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), the political leaders to the need to develop policies inclusive alleviate poverty and development and sustainable livelihoods for all Iraqis to meet the challenges of security, while confirmed that about six million Iraqis are still living below the poverty line.

    According to a statement of the mission received, (Baghdadi News), a copy of it, "on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the United Nations wants to focus on the importance of working to eradicate poverty through sustainable development programs designed to create a more inclusive society in Iraq."

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Nikolay Mladenov, said in the statement that "Iraq is a country rich in natural resources and human resources, it produces three million barrels of oil per day, and have doctors and engineers respected throughout the region," noting that "there are six million Iraqis are still living below the poverty level. "

    He Mladenov "as it seeks political leaders and Socialites and religious to find ways to meet the challenges of the current security, it is necessary to put the policies of inclusiveness alleviate poverty and develop and sustainable livelihoods for all Iraqis," he said, adding that "progress has been made over the past years in this area, and Iraq has achieved the goal of eradicating extreme poverty (income of less than Dorlarin and a half per day), but there is still much to be done. "

    He said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq that "the United Nations is working with the government and civil society organizations in Iraq to take initiatives to bring about income sources and enhance the level of citizens, and in order to give every citizen a voice and contribute ultimately to bring about favorable conditions to achieve a lasting peace in Iraq. "

    There were conflicting opinions among specialists in economic affairs and officials in the Iraqi government about the poverty rate in Iraq, at the time confirmed by some international organizations and experts that the poverty rate in Iraq has increased to more than (20%) of any up more than 6 million Iraqis living under poverty line, amid the absence of proper development of strategic plans by the Ministry of Planning.

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