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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expert: Oil Cannot Be Exported Through The Aqaba Pipeline For This Reason

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    Expert: Oil Cannot Be Exported Through The Aqaba Pipeline For This Reason Empty Expert: Oil Cannot Be Exported Through The Aqaba Pipeline For This Reason

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Apr 2022, 5:56 am

    [size=38]Expert: Oil Cannot Be Exported Through The Aqaba Pipeline For This Reason
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    04/18/2022 | 1:29 PM
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    The security expert, Safaa Al-Asam, confirmed, on Monday, the futility of constructing the Aqaba oil pipeline towards Anbar due to the security threat, indicating that the project will lose the state huge funds without operating due to the turbulent security situation in the Anbar desert.
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    . Al-A'sam said in a statement to "Al-Maalouma", that "the economic feasibility of any project is to ensure its permanent use, but the Aqaba oil pipeline project will be a target for the ongoing ISIS operations in the Anbar desert."
    He added, "The terrorist elements are trying, in any way, to target the infrastructure, including electricity, roads, and even oil pipelines, so how can a pipeline be laid in the areas where the sleeper cells of these elements are located."
    Al-Asam pointed out that “the security situation in northern Iraq, specifically in Mosul, is the last repair process for one of the most important oil pipelines to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, and so far it has not been repaired, for fear of re-targeting and taking it out of service, which makes the Aqaba port pipeline facing the same fate.” finished/25 d
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