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    Iraqi civil forces are waving the street card in the event of changing the electoral law

    Admin Assist
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    Iraqi civil forces are waving the street card in the event of changing the electoral law Empty Iraqi civil forces are waving the street card in the event of changing the electoral law

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Dec 2022, 6:53 am

    [size=47]Iraqi civil forces are waving the street card in the event of changing the electoral law[/size]

    Mohamed Ali

    December 06, 2022
    The old law is in favor of the large blocs (Ahmed Al-Rubai / France Press)
    In conjunction with the intensification of the traditional [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ’ meetings in Baghdad, to discuss [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] before going to early parliamentary elections, as a number of forces propose a return to the previous law known as the “St. Emerging political rivalry, the "Emtidad" movement, the most prominent Iraqi civil force in the country, threatened to take to the streets and internationalize the issue, in the event of changing the current electoral law and returning it to the old one.
    And last week, the leader of the " [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] " coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, said that they want to amend the current law by returning to the old law, known as the "St. Lego" law, and according to an electoral denominator of 1.7 in one district. Al-Maliki added, in an interview with a local television station, that "all the political blocs agreed to change the election law to the base of St. Lego 1.7, which means that the province will return to become one district, because I am not convinced of the previous law."

    The statement was followed by other political stances from various religious forces, who talked about returning to the single-circuit system in each province and returning to the "St. The electoral denominator that besieges the small and emerging powers in favor of the large political powers.
    Today, Tuesday, the "Extension" movement warned against changing the current election law and returning it to the old one, hinting that the masses would take to the streets and internationalize the issue if the majority in the House of Representatives changes the law.
    Raed Al-Saleh, head of the political bureau of the "Emtidad" movement, told reporters in Baghdad that "the current election law is the result of a great revolution and great sacrifices, as the blood of more than 800 martyrs was spilled for this important gain of the October Revolution, and we cannot allow others to manipulate this law." Except for the observations made by the Federal Court regarding manual counting and sorting, as well as regarding the women's quota.
    Al-Saleh warned against "returning to St. Lego's law again," criticizing "the victory of those who obtain 20 votes in the elections, compared to the loss of those who obtain 10,000 votes, for example."
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    [size=12]Arab reports


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    Al-Saleh stressed that "the law cannot be changed, and we will resort to street pressure through which the law was changed and voted on in the House of Representatives," stressing that "if others insist on these changes, we will resort to sending letters to the United Nations, the International Security Council, the European Union and all human rights institutions,” attributing this step to being “a matter of political ethics. As for exploiting the existing majority to change the election law, it has nothing to do with this political ethics.”
    The traditional political forces want to return to the system of one electoral district in each province, while the current law in force in the last elections divided Iraq into 83 electoral districts, and the winner is the one who gets the highest number of votes in that district.
    On the other hand, the old law known as "St. Lego's Law" is a mathematical method for distributing the votes of the voters to the participating electoral lists, so the votes are divided by 1.3 upwards, at which time the small lists get greater chances of winning parliamentary seats, and the higher the electoral denominator is 1.6 or more, the lower it is. The chances of those lists and the seats of large coalitions increased, and this method is “unbalanced” according to members of the new parties, because it enables the traditional parties that have positions in the state and political money to win easily, and the old law that the traditional forces want to return to allows the votes to go. To the electoral list of the party and not to the candidate himself, which facilitated the rise of deputies representing their parties and not their audience.
    The approval of the new law came after the acquiescence of the political forces to the most prominent demands of the Iraqi demonstrators who went out on October 1, 2019, which pervaded the cities of southern and central Iraq and the capital, Baghdad, and lasted for more than 14 months, and demanded reforms in the country’s electoral system, as one of the steps to break the law. The sectarian quota system in place since the US invasion in 2003.
    Iraqi civil and independent forces, most notably "Emtilada", "New Generation", and "Ishraqa Kanoon", achieved 49 seats in the new parliament according to the new law, but only two blocs succeeded in forming a coalition inside Parliament, namely "Emtilada" and "New Generation [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] . With 21 parliamentary seats, which is a good percentage according to observers, especially since most of the civil forces, including the Communist Party, decided to boycott the elections.
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    Earlier, an independent deputy in the Iraqi parliament, Hadi al-Salami, told The New Arab that “seeking to restore the St. The wheel of change is advancing,” vowing that “the national forces and the new parties will not allow this, because the direction of the large parties now, which lost in the last parliamentary elections, is to exclude the new parties that were formed after the October uprising, and to prevent the rise of national and independent figures to positions.”
    For his part, the head of the "Iraqi House" movement, Mohie al-Ansari, confirmed that "the talk of the traditional forces about returning to the "St. Lego" law is the first deception against the Iraqi people to return hegemony to the forces of corruption and quotas, and exclude the emerging and small civil and national forces that do not have money and weapons as well. They are the other powers and do not use state resources to build the economic empires of the parties.
    In his interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Al-Ansari said, “The original St. Lego law without fractions is the law that is compatible with our political situation in the country, as it gives equal opportunity, especially with civil and emerging forces that do not have money and power, and use them to distort the most important A way out of the outputs of democracy, which is elections, and transforming them into a process that expels the national sense, through the use of illegal means.
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