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    Can Iraq cut off imports from Türkiye? A parliamentarian answers

    Admin Assist
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    Can Iraq cut off imports from Türkiye? A parliamentarian answers Empty Can Iraq cut off imports from Türkiye? A parliamentarian answers

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Sep 2023, 9:06 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Can Iraq cut off imports from Türkiye? A parliamentarian answers
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Can Iraq cut off imports from Türkiye? A parliamentarian answers[/size]
    • Today 15:43

    Today, Saturday, a member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, indicated the possibility of Iraq taking the step of cutting off trade exchange with Turkey, while he stressed that there are alternative markets that can be relied upon to meet the local need.
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    Al-Ziyadi said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “if negotiations with Turkey are not successful now on many files, the only solution is to turn to the economic card and cut off imports from Turkey,” noting that “some countries represented by Syria, Iran, and others will be able to To export many products according to the country's need.
    He continued, "Iraq will be in a difficult situation, but the country's capabilities and wealth will be one of the strengths it will rely on if it moves towards this decision," pointing out that "the country has the potential to take the step of ending trade exchange with Turkey."
    Al-Ziyadi concluded his speech by saying: “Iraq needs a change in foreign policy in order to achieve all its interests in the region,” adding that “there are alternative markets that can be relied upon to meet the needs of local markets.”
    In an interview with the Maalouma Agency, a member of the House of Representatives, Ali Turki, accused the Kurdistan government of tyranny and imposing its will in the file of resuming oil exports through Turkey, while he stressed that the region supports Ankara by setting impossible conditions to prevent the resumption of oil exports through the port of Ceyhan.
    Ankara began using all possible cards to harm the Iraqi economy and export its oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, in addition to its failure to pay the fine imposed on it by international courts, after Iraq won an international lawsuit for the illegality of its receipt of Kurdistan region oil. Ended / 25Y
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