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    Iraq.. High orders to re-evaluate the "border security" file with neighboring countries - Urgent

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraq.. High orders to re-evaluate the "border security" file with neighboring countries - Urgent Empty Iraq.. High orders to re-evaluate the "border security" file with neighboring countries - Urgent

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Aug 2024, 5:06 am

    Iraq.. High orders to re-evaluate the "border security" file with neighboring countries - Urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    An informed source revealed, today, Friday (August 9, 2024), the issuance of high orders to re-evaluate the "border security" file with 3 neighboring countries.
    The source told "Baghdad Today", that "high orders were issued to re-evaluate the border security file with 3 neighboring countries, including Syria, by stating what the challenges, procedures and defense plans are and how to confront infiltration and smuggling operations."
    He added that "the re-evaluation comes in order to fill any gaps and maintain border security plans with new ideas and seek to expand the scope of using modern technologies, including thermal cameras in monitoring and tracking, reaching the use of drones in some areas with complex geography."
    The source stressed that "the government pays exceptional attention to the border security file as it is a vital part of the national security system and fortifying it will prevent any internal tremors," indicating that "the security deployment on all border sections will be at its highest levels during the Arbaeen visit."
    An informed security source revealed on Sunday (August 4, 2024) the truth about the mobilization of Iranian forces in 6 border areas with Iraq, while indicating that there are joint measures to close the gaps.
    The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", that "the movement of Iranian border guards along the border strip with Iraq, whether Diyala or the rest of the governorates, is normal and no unusual movements have been recorded, stressing that no mobilization has been recorded in 6 areas on the Iraqi side."
    He added, "The security situation along the Iraqi and Iranian borders is safe and stable, especially with efforts to strengthen operations to close the gaps that are exploited by smugglers and infiltrators in some areas, and there were joint measures in this regard."
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      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 12:23 am