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    Issawi: Politics Maliki failed trying to fabricate a crisis with the Kurds and the Sadrists and the

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Issawi: Politics Maliki failed trying to fabricate a crisis with the Kurds and the Sadrists and the  Empty Issawi: Politics Maliki failed trying to fabricate a crisis with the Kurds and the Sadrists and the

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 28 Dec 2012, 8:56 pm

    Issawi: Politics Maliki failed trying to fabricate a crisis with the Kurds and the Sadrists and the Iraqi

    29-12-2012 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -
    Term and long-Presse / Baghdad, Mosul and Ramadi

    thousands of demonstrators in Mosul and Ramadi on Friday, to protest
    the policies of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, under protests enter
    sixth day against the backdrop of the arrest of dozens of Protection and
    Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi, said informed sources in Anbar that
    "Baathists" trying to sabotage the atmosphere and the dignitaries and
    politicians who surrounded the actions of a group coming from "a
    neighboring country" and an end to any sectarian slogan or disposal.

    comes at a time said a senior leader of the Sadrist movement that a
    large delegation of public power will to participate in the sit-gray
    because he holds legitimate demands talked about Muqtada al-Sadr, but
    the delegation was delayed "for technical reasons" related to religious
    events and Shiite agenda registered entities campaign.

    He wrote
    and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi in yet on Facebook after attending
    Thursday in demonstrations gray "that al-Maliki is provoking all its
    partners in the Kurdistan Alliance and the Sadrists," noting that these
    protests are located in the context of opposition to a policy the Prime
    Minister and his way of managing the state.

    These events are one of
    the most dangerous episodes of escalation between Maliki and his
    opponents who have failed no-confidence in him after two important
    meetings held in Erbil and Najaf last summer annexation of the Sadrist
    movement and the Kurdistan Alliance and Iraqi forces.

    Issawi wrote,
    "The government continues the policy of fabricating crises with Sunni
    Arabs, with the Kurds and with the Sadrist movement .. a policy that has

    "The policy of creating crises proved failure (and Maliki
    practiced) day with Sunni Arabs, and on with the Kurds, and the day with
    the Sadrists. Said that the arrest protections" political par
    excellence, because police detain individuals belonging to the army
    without the knowledge of the Minister of Defense, nor the Minister of
    Finance? ".

    Issawi said that it was a terrible end is difficult to
    silence him "come out of the human rights commissions (parliamentary)
    monitor phenomena attributable answer (of Maliki) that the human rights
    committees also a terrorist."

    He continued, "The symptoms are
    violated in prison as reports say Parliament, Vtaatard rebellious
    masses, it is said to us that prisoners are Awahr .. the symptoms
    Hashahen Iraq in jail."

    The Issawi joined with Prime Anbar Awakening
    Ahmed Abu Risha, Wednesday, thousands of demonstrators Fallujah and
    Anbar in addition to a delegation of tribal south, calling the
    protesters to negotiate with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, describing
    the Article IV of the Anti-Terrorism Act as "under the feet of
    protesters ".

    And busy leaders demonstrations over the weekend to
    deny charge sectarian slogans of protest, while male senior source in
    Ramadi "long" on condition of anonymity said there were "Baathist
    elements made from a neighboring country, trying to exploit events to
    sow sectarian divisions, and we realize that any division now weaken
    opposition to the current owners in all of Iraq. "

    "The dignitaries,
    activists and tribal elders are working to contain the sectarian any
    appearance, and we want to protest against the policies of Iraqi
    government objectionable Iraqis from Kurdistan to Basra."

    It was Dr.
    Diaa al-Asadi secretary general of the Liberal bloc Vest said the "long"
    Tuesday, said a delegation of senior notables and tribal central and
    southern governorates and representatives from the mainstream, is
    preparing in the next two days to go to Anbar and solidarity with
    popular protests, noting that "Sheikh Majed Al Sulaiman Amir tribes
    Dulaim, contact Authority Sadr's political and General Secretariat of
    the Liberal bloc, and expressed the appreciation families Anbar to the
    letter sent by Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr to the protesters, and told us that
    every aspect of sectarian may be seen in the demonstrations did not
    represent the position of the families of Anbar thoroughbreds, and
    everyone working to prevent it. "

    The leader of the Sadrist movement
    has issued a set of data in recent weeks have criticized Maliki's
    performance strongly and accused him of moving the army around Tuz to
    make people forget corruption arms deal and the collapse of services,
    while Dan chest, "anti" against Sunnis in Iraq, and promised to try from
    the ruling party to win " Vote sectarianism "in the elections, while
    some of the slogans of the demonstrators criticized Anbar, asserting
    that sectarianism can not be facing other Btaúfah.

    Asadi said, "There
    are intensive contacts taking place between the wise parties, to
    prevent sectarian each logo, and focus the efforts of all Iraqis to rein
    in any tyranny and injustice."

    Asadi said in an interview on Friday
    with the long, that the Sadrist delegation to Ramadi was delayed due to
    "protests coincided with the rites of the death of Imam Hussein, however
    busy all political parties registered entities in the Commission, but
    we will do our best to participate in the coming days."

    In Mosul,
    thousands of demonstrators on Friday, in protest against the arrests
    launched by the security forces in the city, while demanding the release
    of prisoners and the withdrawal of army troops and federal police of
    the city, called to change the course of the political process.

    reporter (range Press) that "about 3 thousand people, led by the
    governor of Nineveh Ethel Nujaifi demonstrated in the area of ​​time
    downtown, carrying banners calling for the release of detainees and
    detention centers and change the course of the government and the exit
    of the army and federal police from the city center and replace local

    He explained that the demonstrators carried slogans such as
    "clans Nineveh demanding the release of detainees and detainees in Iraqi

    In Ramadi, thousands continued their sit-in protests
    against the government's policy, stressing that they will not stop until
    they change Maliki for his policies.

    In Fallujah, confirmed Friday
    preacher Abdul Hamid Jadou Jumaili, demonstrations by the people of
    Anbar are not sectarian, while denied that these demonstrations crowd
    electoral or political, student politicians to listen to the demands of
    the demonstrators.

    Jumaily said, during a Friday sermon which was
    held on the highway international east of Falluja on the sidelines of
    the demonstrations, and attended (range Press), "The demonstrations,
    which came out in Anbar is not sectarian, as described by some," denying
    that "these demonstrations for the crowd electoral or political for the
    upcoming elections. "

    Jadou demanded that "politicians can download
    from the ivory towers and listen to the demands of the demonstrators,"
    describing the politicians that if they "agreed stole the country and if
    they differed killed people."

    The witness Anbar province, since the
    21 of December 2012, demonstrations against the backdrop of the arrest
    protection and finance minister the leader of the Iraqi List, Rafie
    al-Issawi, demanding "Drop the current government and the release of
    prisoners and detainees in the prisons of the Ministries of Interior and
    Justice," threatened constantly protests until their demands, after cut
    them off the international road link between Iraq, Syria and Jordan.

    declared Anbar province, on Friday, the approval of Prime Minister Nuri
    al-Maliki file transfer prisoners and female Iraqi prisoners to the
    courts of appeal Anbar condition of the formation of the defense of the
    province, while confirmed the approval of the province to form a special
    committee of lawyers to defend Anbar prisons.

    The media adviser to
    the governor of Anbar Mohammed Fathi said in an interview to the
    (long-Presse) that "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had agreed during a
    telephone conversation with the governor of Anbar Qassim Mohammed
    Fahdawi on file transfer prisoners and female Iraqi prisoners to courts
    of appeal Anbar," noting that "Maliki stipulated the formation of A
    committee of lawyers for the purpose of adopting Anbar their own issues.

    Fathi said that "the province has formed a committee of the best
    lawyers in the governorate to defend the detention centers in Anbar and
    courts at the expense of the province."

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