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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi discuss with the President of the World Bank to support Iraq expertise and reform the banking

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272784
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi discuss with the President of the World Bank to support Iraq expertise and reform the banking  Empty Abadi discuss with the President of the World Bank to support Iraq expertise and reform the banking

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Jan 2016, 7:07 am

    [ltr]Abadi discuss with the President of the World Bank to support Iraq expertise and reform the banking system[/ltr]

     Since 01/21/2016 15:37 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]BAGHDAD - scales News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and his accompanying delegation on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.[/ltr]
    [ltr]According to a statement received / balance Nazzouz /, a copy of it, that "the meeting dealt with Search International Bank for Iraq support expertise and simplification of procedures and help to repair the banking system and provide expertise to managing water resources, were also discuss the participation of the World Bank experts in workshops reform and help the provinces to complete the transfer of powers in addition to the their support for the reforms carried out by Dr. Haider Abadi, the prime minister. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]World Bank President said for his part stressed that "Iraq's success is important to the whole world and they are ready for all that Iraq needs support in the experiences" .anthy 29/9 P[/ltr]

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