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    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system

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    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system - Page 2 Empty The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system

    Post by Rocky Mon 01 Aug 2016, 5:59 am

    First topic message reminder :

    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic systems 

    Author: ASJ 
    Editor: BK, BS 08/01/2016 12:48 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    Iraqi Central Bank revealed on Monday, all give him the government banks until next September, to adapt itself to electronic systems and transactions, while among the beneficiaries and users proportion of those dealings in Iraq, "not to exceed" ten percent, favored the possibility of the contribution of orientations to expand their use and take advantage of 77 percent of the money supply in the possession of citizens outside the banks, get rid of the cash circulation problems.

    The governor of the central bank and the agency, on the Keywords, in an interview (range Press), "The payment system is an important pillar of the banking and financial sector," noting that it "consists of two phases first is related to the large total transactions between banks and companies within a system to settle and make clearing operations and liquidation of the great number of daily banking transactions. "

    He Keywords that "the second phase of a retail of transactions daily for individuals to pay their obligations through electronic or mobile phone and other card payment system," noting that "the role of the central bank is monitoring and supervision beyond the field to the presence of problematic in banking transactions at the country level and the requisite large size of the precise organization. "

    He explained the governor, that "the role of the central bank may be an operator or partner or used for system electronic banking," stressing that "the future role of the Central Bank is to supervise the system to be entrusted to operating the task to a company or a group belonging to the private sector companies."

    Keywords and saw that "the application of electronic trading requires work to provide the infrastructure required," pointing out that such "legislative legal structure governing the banking services to all its details."

    He said the central bank governor, that "the Central Bank conducted a comprehensive review of the laws of banking and regulations in force and to develop an initial draft of the required legislation in this area, and issued an electronic payment system and controls subscribe to the infrastructure of the payment system retail," noting that "the amount of $ 20 trillion dinars are being handled by a month under this system, a fast, accurate and support the national economy, away from a lot of problems. "

    Promised Keywords, said that "very cool and sophisticated retail payment system and helps the bank to follow all these processes and to prevent violations and abuses, which is updated through the end of 2015, which are no problem," pointing out that "the Central Bank is currently working with the World Bank to review and evaluate the national payments system, where it was formed three locations of the data in the whole of Iraq, as well as one location outside Iraq to recover from the risks. "

    He went on, saying the central bank governor, said that "Iraq needs a comprehensive banking systems, followed by the banking system to be able to achieve its objectives," revealing "a lack of State-owned banks for such an electronic system even though it has hundreds of branches."

    And gave Keywords "State-owned banks until next September, to adjust their positions within this electronic system," Mstrsla that "the central bank takes the organizational side by issuing controls the use of electronic credit cards and there are plenty of companies that submitted bids for work on the processing of these cards the bank to the fact that the center has divided National, which regulates these processes, and represents an incubator electronic banking operations. "

    Continued conservative, that "the Bank has developed a court will be launched in early 2017 to regulate such operations plan," and expressed regret that "as a result of the low percentage of beneficiaries and users in Iraq who do not exceed ten percent, and eight percent of these are very limited operations such as receiving only salary, and that only two percent of Iraqis are using smart cards ".

    He expressed the Keywords, believed that "the trends in will help expand financial inclusion through the entry of more citizens to these systems and thus take advantage of in the possession of people's money supply which amounts to 77 percent outside the system, as well as get rid of the cash circulation problems."

    The governor of the central bank and the agency, identified in (the thirtieth of July 2016), the next year in 2017, as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards, he returned that will facilitate transactions between government departments.     [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system - Page 2 Empty Re: The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system

    Post by jedi17 Tue 02 Aug 2016, 1:05 pm

    you did not just bring up SGS.....bad azareus
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    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system - Page 2 Empty Re: The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 02 Aug 2016, 3:06 pm

    just got on my computer for the day and seems like all the good stuff happens just when you least expect it. come on dinars, daddy needs a new pair of shoes. bounce bounce bounce
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    The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system - Page 2 Empty Re: The central bank gives the government banks until September to adapt itself to the electronic system

    Post by sassy Tue 02 Aug 2016, 3:21 pm

    I know fonzi  !!!!   Dance banna2  banna3   

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    just got on my computer for the day and seems like all the good stuff happens just when you least expect it. come on dinars, daddy needs a new pair of shoes. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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