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    Iran accuses of attacking Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with Barzani to destabilize security

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iran accuses of attacking Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with Barzani to destabilize security Empty Iran accuses of attacking Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with Barzani to destabilize security

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Oct 2016, 4:11 am

    [rtl]Iran accuses of attacking Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with Barzani to destabilize security[/rtl]
    BAGHDAD / Sky Press [/rtl]
    [rtl]The Secretary of the Expediency Council in Iran, Mohsen Rezai, Monday, Saudi Arabia incite the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the Kurdistan region, "which is headed by the region's president, Massoud Barzani," to undermine Iran's security. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]The official news agency IRNA, said, "Rezai said during a meeting today, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) delegation headed by the working body responsible in the Union Mullah Bakhtiar's political bureau, at a time when fighting some countries in the region, the Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran deal respect with the Kurds in any country in the region. "[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said Rezai, said that "Saudi Arabia interfere in Iraq's Kurdistan region and are trying through the induction of the Democratic Party to destabilize security in our country."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said that "our military forces clashed with them in Marivan and Oshnavieh, while your relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, much better than the others and must develop these relations."[/rtl]
    [rtl]And Taavan "Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Iraq has the potential humanitarian very good and important figures have had a role in strengthening the role of the party," adding, "the role of the secretary-general of the PUK, Jalal Talabani, and sacrifices in Iraq."[/rtl]
    [rtl]For his part, Bakhtiyar "We worked together with the Islamic Republic of Iran to confront the enemies of the Baath and subscribers are Daesh" he said. "In the current situation, the risk Daesh nothing less than the former Baath regime." [/rtl]
    [rtl]Bakhtiar said that "ready for comprehensive cooperation with Iran to confront Daesh and eliminate the terrorists."[/rtl]

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