BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq likely head of a coalition of State of Law bloc in Parliament, Ali alAdeeb, on Thursday, to be responsible adults phones and members of the House ofRepresentatives and officials in the executive government, monitored by the states "hostile" to Iraq, calling on security leaders not to use mobile phones in discussing security plans to liberate theusurped areas by Daash.oukal Adeeb traded in a press statement today: " the operators Zain and Asiacell and Korek, are linked to the Gulf countries , " adding that "most of the Gulf States has relations with the countries of Europe and Israel , the US and the US United . "He added that" these countries have a great interest in monitoring communications and phones of senior officials and members of the House of Representatives and executive figures in the central government ,"pointing out that" there is a technique called voice tag for each official is monitored through it."He called the writer" Secretary in leadership aspects of the state not to use mobile phones in thetrading security plans to liberate the usurped territories , "warning that" there are a lot ofcountries have no enmity with Iraq Astaqrarh.ivkr that want all the components of the Shiite alliance rejects the designation of the Arabian Gulf and only the "Gulf" Iran because they are tied.