Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F

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    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F Empty Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Apr 2018, 6:42 am

    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary Fund

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    The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Ismail and the accompanying delegation representing Iraq with the Ministry of Finance participated in the 41st annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Arab Monetary Fund held in the Dead Sea area of ​​the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the period 10-11 April 2018.
    The central bank said in a statement published on its website and read by the "Economy News" that "during the meeting, a number of important topics were discussed. The most important of these was the system of settlements and clearing for Arab payments, which will provide an environment of financial transfers between the Arab countries and thus promote Arab trade and inter-Arab economic integration."
    For its part, the Fund paid great attention to the achievement of cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of monetary policies among the Arab countries and coordination of their positions in international forums and meetings as well as strengthening coordination between central banks and Arab monetary institutions in various fields related to the work of these banks.
    He also stressed the assistance in exchanging experiences and experiences between central banks, and thus these steps will achieve monetary cooperation among Arab countries in order to reach a common formula in the construction of monetary policies.

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    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F Empty Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Apr 2018, 7:14 am

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    2018/04/11 13:40

    (Encyclopedia of this day , news | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) -
    Economy News Baghdad:

    The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Ismail and the accompanying delegation representing Iraq with the Ministry of Finance participated in the 41st annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Arab Monetary Fund held in the Dead Sea area of ​​the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the period 10-11 April 2018.

    "During the meeting, a number of important topics were discussed," the central bank said in a statement published on its website and read by Al-Iktissad News. "The most important of these was the system of settlements and clearing for Arab payments, which will provide an environment of financial transfers between the Arab countries and thus promote Arab trade and inter-Arab economic integration."

    For its part, the Fund paid great attention to the achievement of cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of monetary policies among the Arab countries and coordination of their positions in international forums and meetings as well as strengthening coordination between central banks and Arab monetary institutions in various fields related to the work of these banks.

    He also stressed the assistance in exchanging experiences and experiences between central banks, and thus these steps will achieve monetary cooperation among Arab countries in order to reach a common formula in the construction of monetary policies.

    Note: The content entitled (Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary Fund) published first on the site (economy News) and does not bear the Encyclopedia of this day news content in any form. 
    You can see the details of this address (the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of the Governors of the Arab Monetary Fund) through the original source any site (economy News).

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    All In Investor
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    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F Empty Re: Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F

    Post by ron-man Wed 11 Apr 2018, 7:24 am

    Thank you Rocky, another step in the right direction.

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    Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F Empty Re: Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq participates in the meeting of Governors of the Arab Monetary F

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