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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran is tampering and manipulating everyone .. Maliki's coalition: "moving sand" hit the coalitions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iran is tampering and manipulating everyone .. Maliki's coalition: "moving sand" hit the coalitions  Empty Iran is tampering and manipulating everyone .. Maliki's coalition: "moving sand" hit the coalitions

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Jun 2018, 9:26 am

    Iran is tampering and manipulating everyone .. Maliki's coalition: "moving sand" hit the coalitions of Baghdad!
    June 27 2018 03:44 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Iran tampering with Iraq and continuous contacts with Nuri al-Maliki![/rtl]
    Ibrahim Al-Obeidi

    Observers: Interventions of the mullahs may reach the recent elections to civil war and not to form a new government

    raised news in Baghdad, about Tehran's strong stand behind Nuri al-Maliki to return to the lights and the formation of the Iraqi government again, widespread echoes at home and abroad.

     Not only because Maliki's coalition has achieved a resounding loss in the recent elections.And lost more than 75% of his supporters. But because all Iraqis hate this criminal - Nuri al-Maliki - and know the nature of his work to Iran - and insist on returning again a huge mess in the Iraqi arena ..

    At the same time, the statements attributed to some leaders of the coalition of the rule of law, led by al-Maliki, that the current political alliances are not final and based on solid ground, but moving sand .. 
    Many questions, confirms that the mullahs, the most regional and international elements in Baghdad. It has its sectarian and sectarian agenda abhorrent play in Iraq a huge game may end the recent elections to bitter civil war does not show neither the largest parliamentary bloc nor the new government ..

    Fragile alliances

    The coalition of state law, he saw that the nature of the current alliances are more than "moving sand," referring to the instability of the alliances declared and the possibility of change.

    "The current alliances are preliminary understandings until the meetings that resulted from signing and talking about the features of the largest bloc is a distant talk about the political reality and many of those who did not have control of their entire blocs and we know that each bloc consists of several parties Political. " "It is not possible to adopt any alliances are currently underway as the real dialogue between the blocks will be after the ratification of the Federal Court on the election results."

    The Iraqi Federal Court ruled the validity of a decision taken by the Parliament on June 6, and requires the re-counting and counting of votes, after the political blocs and the government said that "serious violations" and "manipulations" accompanied the parliamentary elections.

    According to the results announced last month, the alliance, "Saron", supported by the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, ranked first with 54 seats out of 329, followed by the alliance, "Al-Fath", which is the political arm of the factions "popular popular terrorist" led by Hadi al-Amiri , With 47 seats.

    The coalition of "victory", led by Prime Minister Haider Abadi, won 42 seats, while the coalition of "State of Law" led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki 26 seats.

    As announced in the past few days alliances between the alliances, "Suron" and "victory" and opening up to form the largest parliamentary bloc, which has the responsibility to name the new prime minister ..

    Observers demanded that the mullahs' terrorist regime stop its ugly interference in the Iraqi arena. And raised his hand from the capital Baghdad.

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