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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraqi Businessmen Union proposes to sell shares of the mixed sector companies to develop private se

    Admin Assist
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    Iraqi Businessmen Union proposes to sell shares of the mixed sector companies to develop private se Empty Iraqi Businessmen Union proposes to sell shares of the mixed sector companies to develop private se

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Oct 2014, 4:27 am

    Iraqi Businessmen Union proposes to sell shares of the mixed sector companies to develop private sector

    Iraqi Businessmen Union

    10/04/2014 11:42

    Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad suggested the Iraqi Businessmen Union to sell the shares mixed sector companies to develop the private sector and raise him injustice.

    The head of the Union Lutfi Abu Arab al-Shammari's "Tomorrow's Press," that "the current Iraqi government is serious in supporting the private sector which is unseen and neglected during the previous years, and in light of the government's orientation within the economic reform programs, which approved the program of work and included reducing the state's role in the productive sectors to coincide with the development of the local private sector who have the task of managing the local economy in the future, according to the Constitution, passed by.

    He said Abu Arab said, "This trend must be powered several attempts to establish those principles and supported on an ongoing basis and not my time Among those proposals is the sale of state shares in the mixed sector companies to enable the private sector to develop all his joints and lift the restriction by the objective decisions and bureaucracy," pointing to the "survival of those companies without work and its relation to the States for years to deplete its resources through Tata salaries without work would cost the state a lot of money."

    He said Abu Arabs that he "must Aydaan accompanied by sale of shares establish a sovereign fund of capital that shares its mission to provide support to the mixed sector companies to rehabilitate the lines of work and supplying advanced technology that contribute to raising production capacities and then create a cycle of capital between the company and the fund, which will recover the amount of money of the profits made by the company, "adding that" after evaluating the company and they can be converted into profitable to support another company according to the same curriculum to include all public companies. "

    The council had decided in its fourth on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 to form a committee in the advisers with the help of United Nations organizations to prepare a comprehensive study on the success of the process of transforming state-owned enterprises to the private sector provided to ensure workers' rights and improve their living standards by raising the efficiency of these companies or their ad

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