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    Al-Hawi demands the formation of a fact-finding committee on “oil contracts”

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Hawi demands the formation of a fact-finding committee on “oil contracts” Empty Al-Hawi demands the formation of a fact-finding committee on “oil contracts”

    Post by Rocky Tue 28 May 2024, 6:53 am

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    [size=52]Al-Hawi demands the formation of a fact-finding committee on “oil contracts”[/size]
    • Today 13:20


     Representative Fatima Al-Hawi called on Tuesday to form a fact-finding committee on the file of oil contracts in Basra.
    Al-Hawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “Peaceful demonstration is a right guaranteed by the constitution to all Iraqis who raise legitimate demands, pointing out that the oil contracts in Basra went out in order to guarantee their rights and were subjected to assault by some members of the security forces.”
    She added, "What happened requires the formation of a fact-finding committee to reveal the truth about what happened, punish those who were negligent, and seek to meet the demands of the demonstrators, especially since most of them hold degrees."
    She pointed out that "an attack on any demonstration is a matter that requires investigation and a statement of its results to public opinion, pointing out that it supports the legitimate demands of all groups that raise the slogan of peace in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of their goals."
    Two days ago, the oil contracts demonstration in Basra witnessed tensions and clashes with the security forces before it was contained. Ended 25 February

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