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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Postponement of the meeting of the Joint Action Committee between Kurdistan and Iraq at the request

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Postponement of the meeting of the Joint Action Committee between Kurdistan and Iraq at the request  Empty Postponement of the meeting of the Joint Action Committee between Kurdistan and Iraq at the request

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 29 Dec 2012, 12:25 pm

    Postponement of the meeting of the Joint Action Committee between Kurdistan and Iraq at the request of Baghdad

    08:29:29 / 12/2012

    - revealed Chuan Mohamed Taha member of the security and defense
    committee parliamentary statement to "Khandan" the postponement of the
    meeting of the joint work between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad,
    which was to be held on Sunday, to Wednesday, 2 / January, at the
    request of Baghdad.

    He attributed a member of the security and
    defense committee parliamentary reason to postpone the meeting to the
    deterioration of the current political situation and the demonstrations
    taking place in Sunni cities.

    He guessed MP Chuan Mohamed postponement of a meeting next Wednesday also coincided with a number of Shiite religious events.

    Iraqi Defense Minister Saadoun Dulaimi agency, announced earlier to
    reach a comprehensive agreement in principle to resolve the crisis
    between Baghdad and Erbil, will be signed permanently during the meeting
    of the Joint Ministerial Committee between the federal government and
    the KRG in Arbil on Sunday.

    Dulaimi said at a press conference
    last Wednesday at the conclusion of his meeting with the Minister of
    Peshmerga in Kurdistan region of Iraq Sheikh Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa,
    Minister of the Interior region Karim Sinjari, "It was during a meeting
    today to reach an agreement a comprehensive solution to the crisis,
    after having provided the central government and the Kurdistan Regional
    Government a positive vision about it. "

    He explained that the
    two parties ahead and working papers have been matured and become closer
    to the final declaration, noting that "the two papers were converted to
    the Joint Supreme Committee for passage at a meeting in Erbil next

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