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    Glimmer of hope in easing the political crisis between Baghdad and Erbil despite the postponement of

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Glimmer of hope in easing the political crisis between Baghdad and Erbil despite the postponement of Empty Glimmer of hope in easing the political crisis between Baghdad and Erbil despite the postponement of

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 30 Dec 2012, 8:01 pm

    Glimmer of hope in easing the political crisis between Baghdad and Erbil despite the postponement of the agreement between them

    30-12-2012 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment -
    Baghdad, 30 December / December (EFE)

    still a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough suffocating political crisis
    between Baghdad and Erbil, despite the postponement of the signing of
    the agreement between them scheduled today to next Wednesday.

    said Mohammed Taha, a member of the Kurdistan Alliance in a press
    statement on Sunday that the signing Alatagaf postponed to Wednesday,
    adding that the two sides agreed to hold their next meeting on the
    second of January / next second, with the aim of reaching a solution to
    the issue of disengagement of forces in mixed areas.

    He continued
    that "the reasons for the postponement technical and procedural, not
    political, because a purely technical nature of the delegation with a
    view to establish an appropriate mechanism to address the security file
    in those areas."

    On the nature of the agreement that was accepted
    by Prime central government Nuri al-Maliki and Massoud Bazna President
    of Kurdistan said Mahmoud Othman, the Kurdish leader said in a statement
    today, "The preliminary approval between Maliki and Barzani reached on
    signing of the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil and find a formula
    for the management of the disputed areas and end the crisis between the
    two parties ".

    He continued, "The agreement that was reached a
    14-item describes manage affairs in relation to security and
    checkpoints, and according to the agreement will gradually withdraw
    troops from disputed areas and agreed on coordination between the
    Peshmerga and the Federal Army and the involvement of the people of
    those areas to protect."

    The reason for the crisis between
    Baghdad and Erbil, to Maliki's decision on the third of July last
    formation Operations Command Tigris, and the status of oil-rich Kirkuk
    under the responsibility of this leadership, which was rejected by the
    Kurds strongly and considered targeted them as well as to consider this
    decision is unconstitutional.

    This decision led to send
    reinforcements and military build-up by both sides to Kirkuk and nearby
    areas, raising fears of clashes between the two sides.

    escalated the differences are greater between Erbil and Baghdad, after
    the incident, the town of Tuz in the province of Salahuddin on November
    16 / November second, when forces clashed operations Tigris with the
    strength of the Kurdish security forces charged with protecting one
    based Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by President Jalal Talabani.

    clashes resulted in the death of one civilian and wounding eight
    soldiers from both sides, which led to a political escalation between
    Kurdish leaders and al-Maliki and move military sectors backed by
    artillery and tanks to the disputed areas by the two parties.

    prompted this crisis Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, to do
    shuttled between Baghdad and Erbil yielded agreement of the parties, the
    region and the central government to send a delegation Kurd to Baghdad
    to negotiate to end the crisis, as announced Kurds after these
    negotiations, they had reached with the government delegation on the
    agreement consists of 14 points, to end the crisis, but Maliki declined
    11 points, to then return delegation to Erbil without result.

    crisis intensified again when Maliki accused the Kurds of obstructing
    arming the Iraqi army through a bang on the arms deal with Russia, and
    violating the Constitution through the deployment of forces in the
    disputed areas.

    The crisis returned to climax with the exchange
    of accusations between the two sides, but President Jalal Talabani has
    made great efforts bore fruit, such as two hours of his deteriorating
    health, agreed that the al-Maliki invited a delegation from the province
    to Baghdad to resume talks, and the adoption of the Constitution to
    resolve differences.

    Despite deteriorating health of President
    Talabani, and moved to Germany but he agreed sponsored continued
    delegation from the Kurdistan region includes the Ministers of the
    Peshmerga and Interior in the Kurdistan region, and senior security
    chiefs Kurdish, and met Wednesday with Iraqi Defense Minister agency
    Saadoun al-Dulaimi and senior Iraqi military leaders, where Dulaimi said
    after negotiations to reach a semi-final agreement to be signed this
    agreement today in Arbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region.

    said in press Tsahrihat after meeting with the Kurdish delegation
    "during the meeting to reach an agreement a comprehensive solution to
    the crisis, after having provided the central government and the
    Kurdistan Regional Government to see positive action.

    Iraq has
    been a surge of heart political background arrest of several members of
    the Protection and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi, who was considered
    the Iraqi List, targeted for the components of the Iraqi people, and the
    impact swept cities of Anbar province and a number of Sunni provinces
    demonstrations and sit-ins demanding their release as well as the
    release of detainees and detention of innocent from prison.

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