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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State law denies the vote to one basket

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    State law denies the vote to one basket Empty State law denies the vote to one basket

    Post by Hkp1 Thu May 09, 2013 1:12 pm

    State law denies the vote to one basket

    Published: 3: 07 pm, May 9, 2013 Editor: ipa

    (IBA).He was Deputy from Maliki's State of law, a rejection of mass was
    waving about passing laws of shenanigans between political blocs in one

    Al-Maliki said in a statement Thursday that his
    coalition refuse to pass contentious legislation between political blocs
    in one basket, saying his Coalition's refusal to bargain to pass
    another law, adding that some of these laws are ready to vote with
    others still need some amendments cannot be voted on one at a time.

    the charge state of law through Parliament to disable their boycott of
    the Council, said that State law had always attended House sessions and
    the work of the Council being formed about a third of its members.

    added that members of his bloc continued attendance and attendance to
    Parliament and continue their meetings, but they do not attend
    Parliament sessions as a means of pressure on the Council Presidency to
    take the other view and insert the law outlawing the Baath Party on the
    Council's agenda, especially that there is no reason not to include it.

    keen on the work of the Council and further legislation of interest to
    the country, noting that during the last session was the rule of law is
    most prominent in the area where interrogations led a lot of
    interrogations inside the House as well as its jurisprudence on the
    implementation of projects in the provinces that have public rules,
    adding: but this province is only an expression of our rejection of the
    policy of the Presidency Council in not taking into account the opinion
    of the biggest block in Parliament.

    Al-Maliki noted that there
    are many lists that had boycotted the Council for months and did not
    come to Parliament and have not registered any presence for issues not
    requiring the province as their opposition to the Government's
    performance in the shop or adoption of the general budget as well as
    some leaders of the political blocs failed to attend House sessions only
    once or twice throughout the legislative session,

    although this
    has not been charged with those charges and highlights them in the
    context of being dysfunctional for the work of the Council, Explaining
    their decision to boycott for the non-inclusion of the law criminalizing
    the mission is a decision that the public affected by this party were
    broad fan base of people who are also fanbase for the State of law
    coalition so we must as their representatives in the House of
    representatives to listen to their voices and the implementation of
    their demands.

    He continued his province attend House sessions
    pending the inclusion of law criminalizing the Baath Party on the
    Council's agenda.

    And called political parties to not bid on the
    interests of the people and uphold the interests of the country above
    party interests to demolished him the current situation of the country,
    especially in light of rising tensions and the emergence of terrorism
    and Al-Qaeda back on the scene, showing the investment policy for this
    situation scandalous, as called for political blocs to put a clear
    programme to build State institutions through the pass and legislation
    that help as labour law and salary scale and other laws made by the
    Government to the House of representatives and some political blocs are
    still procrastinating on Passed without a real reason for being
    considered in Parliament Square to political conflicts and try to defeat
    the Government in any way. (End)

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