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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 May 2016, 7:16 am

    [ltr]Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund[/ltr]
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    BAGHDAD / ... criticized theparliamentary finance committee member Ahmed Sarhan Sarhan, Sunday, the dictates of theInternational Monetary Fund and invite them to reduce the federal budget in exchange for the agreed loan already disbursed.
    Said Sarhan's "Eye of Iraq News," " The budget is a federal law inforce, voted by the House ofRepresentatives after extensive discussion, and can not be amended only through a veto of the law of the Federal Court and sent back to parliament to amend it according to specific paragraphs, or through a proposal submitted signed by fifty Deputy to modify it according to specific conditions. "
    "The budget can not cut it, they originally are compressed, and the employees and retirees and the card Altamonah and fuel subsidies salaries allocations are a red line can not be compromised."
    He said the "international loan believe that there was no risk of him any, because it represents an agreement signed between the IMF and the Iraqi government."
    Ahmad noted that "we reject any dictates or conditions established by theInternational Monetary Fund in exchange for submitting a loan has been agreed inadvance to help Iraq , " pointing out that " the stenosis or the imposition ofconditions and interventions or dictations are things that can not be accepted ,which is unacceptable , " stressing that " the IMF international, said he wanted tohelp Iraq without conditions , we welcome them. "
    The House of Representatives, called last Thursday of the political blocs andparliamentary committees to hold a meeting on Sunday, to resolve the two files security and economic, adding that the International Monetary Fund for Iraq , toldthe necessity of modifying the budget bill to be reduced in order to hopefully disbursement of the loan during the coming period, pointing out that " the treasury State is unable to pay and benefits for the people without access to this loan salariesit has become necessary to take legislative and legal procedures necessary for this matter. "
    Iraq is seeking recently to borrow from the International Monetary Fund to plug the shortfall in the budget for the current year, which amounts to 25 trillion dinars, after the fall in oil prices to levels 13 Mtdnah.anthy

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Diamond Sun 15 May 2016, 7:21 am

    well if they want international status they gonna have to play by the rules
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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by fonz1951 Sun 15 May 2016, 7:39 am

    well,it's sunday in iraq and i guess we just found how full of it american contractor is!
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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Diamond Sun 15 May 2016, 7:48 am

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by weslin3 Sun 15 May 2016, 8:09 am

    I'm lost on this... So is this good or bad??   306
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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Diamond Sun 15 May 2016, 8:17 am

    weslin some of malikis boys takin pot shots at swn dwn things an that budget law will stop lots of M's crap

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by wciappetta Sun 15 May 2016, 9:48 am

    yeah they will pass it, they have no other choice....

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Diamond Sun 15 May 2016, 9:51 am

    Iraq is about to find out that the world cant continue to give to them

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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Neno Sun 15 May 2016, 11:37 am

    Diamond wrote:well if they want international status they gonna have to play by the rules
    By NWO (globalist) status I agree.
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    Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reject the dictates of the International Monetary Fund

    Post by weslin3 Sun 15 May 2016, 3:25 pm

    Diamond wrote:weslin some of malikis boys takin pot shots at swn dwn things an that budget law will stop lots of M's crap
    I know I can hit the thanks button... BUT I want to personally thank you Diamond... flower

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