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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Militants cut off the "road of death" in Diwaniya, in protest at the lack of completion of project

    Admin Assist
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    Militants cut off the "road of death" in Diwaniya, in protest at the lack of completion of project Empty Militants cut off the "road of death" in Diwaniya, in protest at the lack of completion of project

    Post by Rocky Thu 28 Jul 2016, 3:43 am

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    Militants cut off the "road of death" in Diwaniya, in protest at the lack of completion of project

     Diwaniya / long-Presse 

    The oldest activists in Afak district, on themain highway that connects Diwaniyah ,Maysan province, to protest the lack ofcompletion of the second corridor of theproject, and with the administration of justice shown standing with the demands of the protesters, confirmed that the "road of death" snatched the lives ofmore than two hundred citizens each year due to accidents traffic. 
    a member of the coordinating demonstrations Afak, an activist Hassan ordeal, in an interview with (long -Presse), " the people of the province answered a call to their brethren in Afak district to cut through (Diwaniyah - Maysan), which we called (by death) after he won in less than year about 75 people as a result of traffic accidents, due to the completion of the second course of years ago. " 
    he said the ordeal, the" death road connects Diwaniyah Bafk and Navarre and hand Budair extends to Maysan, and have come to him and a means of pressure on the governments of Diwaniyah and Baghdad to get rid of the catastrophe that weighs all the sons of the judiciary and Saleckih south and east of Diwaniyah from a life - threatening terrorizing dangerous than car bombs and explosive belts. " 
    for his part, Mayor Afak district, Majid votary, in an interview (long - Presse) that" the road project bureaucracy Afak of investment projects for the Ministry of housing and reconstruction , which referred to theHammurabi company, we met in several meetings to identify the reasons for the reluctance of the project, which argued the lack of funds to complete the work. " 
    He continued votary, that" the amount remaining to complete the road reach four billion dinars, we addressed the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers under the official wrote to approach the Ministry of planning for the allocation of the amount within the project needed execution, being a vital artery that connects thesouth of Iraq in Baghdad , "stressing that" traffic accidents and traffic on the road to death , kills every year more than two hundred , especially in the months of Muharram and Safar citizen. " 
    He called votary," the federal government to accelerate direct the concerned authorities to complete the work in the project and done to protect the lives of citizens , "expressing his" support and backing for the protesters ' demands , which received a copy of them before agreeing on the open road again, and handed copies to thegovernor of Diwaniyah and the number of members of the provincial council. " 
    the co - ordinating demonstrations Diwaniyah, announced last Saturday (July 23, 2016 ) for the introduction ofactivists on hunger strike to the hospital because of the deteriorating health condition, and he urged the local government to respond to the demands of the people for reform and not to "Tsoevha" media propaganda.

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