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    Invitations to calm the political conflicts House of Representatives to pass laws in his last year

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    Invitations to calm the political conflicts House of Representatives to pass laws in his last year Empty Invitations to calm the political conflicts House of Representatives to pass laws in his last year

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Jun 2013, 3:56 am

    Invitations to calm the political conflicts House of Representatives to pass laws in his last year

    10-06-2013 10:06 AM

    Baghdad (news) / report / .. Called for a number of members of the House of Representatives from different political blocs, political blocs large to calm the political conflicts that reflected on the House of Representatives, and the cause of disabling a lot of important laws, including the law of parties, oil and gas and the Federal Court, and other laws, especially as the rest of the life of the current session of the Council one year beginning the middle of this month.

    The MP / National Alliance / Karim Silverline Muhammadawi, that the parliamentary year that ended were unsuccessful, because of the political differences that reflected on the work of the Council, which delayed approval of many of the laws.

    He said Muhammadawi in a statement (of the Agency news): The House of Representatives many activities both in the field of legislation or censorship, but last year, which ended, there has been political differences within the Council, Kalkhlavat laws or for demonstrations in the western regions, adding: that these problems Action Board weakened significantly hindered the adoption of many of the laws.

    The MP for the National: We have to make the final year for the lifetime of the current session of the House of Representatives is different from the previous Amid political indicate the lack of optimism year, pointing out that there are a number of laws broken deport parliamentary session next, this is a negative point on the board.

    For his part, MP / coalition in Iraq Free / Zuhair al-Araji, the need for the completion of the political boycott of the major political blocs, in order to activate the new legislative year.

    They said in a statement (of the Agency news): I think if there was a sense of responsibility by the political blocs and determination and really can offer something to the citizens, and make the House of Representatives yard pass laws and not disabled, so it is the end of the provincial political, noting: that the current parliamentary session Council throughout the legislative Vsaloha were witnessing the adoption of important laws serve the Iraqi people, both normal.

    He continued: a lot of laws broken, and, if approved ستذلل the suffering of the Iraqi people as law and those with special needs and the pay scale for employees, pension law, as well as that there are laws serve the political process of the country as law of parties and the Federal Court, and oil and gas, adding: We hope during the legislative term there will be a new consensus on the adoption of these laws, expressing fear of trades and adjustments and compromises between the large blocs to pass laws.

    Moreover, between the head of the Kurdistan Islamic Union parliamentary deputy / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Najib Abdullah, that the problems between the political blocs are reflected on the work of the House of Representatives, which has become a victim of political differences Council.

    Abdullah said in a statement (of the Agency news): The problems and political complexities are hampered and tarry legislative work in the parliament, adding: I think these problems will continue Banekasha on the board, and that most of the laws will leave until after this session, because of political differences.

    He explained: to calm the problems will generate a positive reflection on the House of Representatives, and will enable him to pass laws Especially we are on the verge of the last legislative year for the work of the current session of Parliament.

    It seems the House of Representatives like a pyramid no longer powerless to recognize the key role in the legislation of laws needed by the country, and turned into an arena of political struggle, pushing him into followers as a 'pyramid' أعياه fatigue and disease, and no longer strength to march as it should, and aimed at every political party Post the blame on the other council disable Council, as well as having powers tangle between the executive and legislative branches unresolved. / End / 7.'s. m /

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