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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Term Tnfredbnschermhoudr Alheiihalssayash meeting hot on the "occupation" and Doralamrdjaah ..jdl an

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    Term Tnfredbnschermhoudr Alheiihalssayash meeting hot on the "occupation" and Doralamrdjaah ..jdl an Empty Term Tnfredbnschermhoudr Alheiihalssayash meeting hot on the "occupation" and Doralamrdjaah ..jdl an

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Oct 2016, 3:11 am

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    Term Tnfredbnschermhoudr Alheiihalssayash meeting hot on the "occupation" and Doralamrdjaah ..jdl and interrogate al-Jaafari

     Baghdad / Amin Abdul Hadi 

    Focused emergency meeting, convened by thepolitical body of the National Alliance, last Friday, on three controversial provisions contained in a paper presented by a delegation representing the leader of the Sadrist movement, as a condition for returning to the"Shiite House." 
    Reveals the dialogues, which witnessed the meeting , headed by Ammar al - Hakim and the presence ofPrime Minister Haider al - Abadi and 20 representatives of the parties to the coalition, the existence of deep differences lurk, threaten to disrupt the atmosphere of optimism that prevailed among the National Alliance. 
    according to a copy of the Alliance meeting Minutes, seen by the (range), the spat centered on paragraphs (1, 8 and 12) of the chest and the paper, Add to the position of parliamentary questioning, particularly questioning Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari. Under the paper - Sadr conditions in Article I. that "there is areference cover in inside Iraq acceptable to all parties." 
    As stipulated in Article (VIII) to "consider occupying powers hostile states can not engage in dialogue with them , but after reviewing the references above." 
    As the article points out ( XII) of the paper that " the sensitive and very important things to be back out on the agreed reference." 
    Commenting on the chest and paper, he saw al - Hakim, during the political body of the National alliance, said that " the meeting of more than 90% of what the contents of this paper was soon thereby agreed was captured by coalition forces in the first meeting of the political body. " 
    he pointed Hakim that" agreement on the general outlines of the vision gives great flexibility in resolving details of contention through serious dialogue. " in 
    turn , said Jaafar al - Moussawi, head of the delegation Sadr, said that" our return contingent on agreement to these points and we hope that the bleeding Bushra our return to the Iraqi masses. " 
    He expressed some of the audience welcomed the paper - Sadr, but they stressed the need to discuss some of the details, stressing the need to agree on what they described as" strategic issues "and not a dispute over secondary issues leads to damaging the unity of the National Alliance . 
    in response to a question by MP Ali Keywords, about the possibility of entering into thoracic paper details, Hakim confirmed that discuss the details need to be a lengthy meeting, noting that the meeting has been allocated for the "whole document" that are discussed in detail at another time. 
    after MP Jaafar al - Moussawi noteworthy to 3 points should focus on discussions of the National Alliance, namely: Minister technocrats, and the occupying powers, and the reference of the National Alliance. 
    in the meantime, expressed his deputy on the Keywords, leader of the Dawa party , party, reservation on paragraphs first and eighth thoracic paper . He said determining the reference needs to take the opinion ofreference, referring to Sistani. He urged not to embarrass reference Bzjha in command may not willing it.Keywords also demanded amendment of paragraph (iv), which addresses the need for disassembly between the prime minister and the National Alliance. He said that the coalition party organizational nothing to do with electoral deadlines, and called for an agreement on a mechanism to choose the presidency of the National Alliance. 
    As part of his intervention, Keywords noted the sensitivity of Article (VIII) , which related to the "occupying powers", and demanded the Sadrists not to suspend their return on this paragraph before reach the National Alliance to " a common vision" on them. 
    virtue Party, who was represented at the meeting MP Ammar Tohme, expressed reservation about theparagraphs relating to the identification of reference and judged in the "sensitive issues". 
    He pointed Tohme, during his speech , according to a draft record seen by the (range), that the virtue Party adheres Bmarjeith of Sheikh Mohammed al - Yacoubi. 
    as the head of the parliamentary virtue considered that paragraph (VIII) granted the National Alliance , a role equivalent to the role of the religious authority, which demanded his observation and adjustment of drafting. 
    member of the Sadrist delegation , Sheikh Sabah al - Saadi called, in his speech, to that initiates the National Alliance 's commitment to the directives of reference, adding , "We strive to gubernatorial reference can disintegration of differences." He warned of the disintegration of the National Alliance if it did not abide by theexistence of a governing authority. 
    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has focused its interventions on the preparations for the battle of Mosul, calling on the leadership of the National Alliance for the need to move away from "controversial issues because the National Alliance is a coalition involuntary." 
    He renewed Abadi worry that affect parliamentary interpellations on the preparations for the battle of Mosul.He called the National Alliance to make a decision on the grill Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari, recalling that al - Jaafari , "former Prime Minister and Chairman of the Alliance earlier, an important political figure." 
    The Prime Minister called the National Alliance to form a committee to negotiate with al - Jaafari away from Parliament. 
    Commenting on a recent interrogation of al - Jaafari , described the leader of the Dawa Party , Sadiq al -Rikabi as a "serious issue , " calling the plays because Hamoudi, a member of the presidency of theparliament, his role in the prevention of interrogation.
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