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    Political and economic benefits due to emerge from Chapter VII

    Admin Assist
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    Political and economic benefits due to emerge from Chapter VII Empty Political and economic benefits due to emerge from Chapter VII

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Jun 2013, 7:16 am

    Political and economic benefits due to emerge from Chapter VII

    06/24/2013 12:00 AM

    Three days and the dream becomes a reality
    BAGHDAD - morning
    With each passing hour approaching Iraqis achieve the goal they have despaired of receiving a result of actions of Saddam, but the government policy and the extraordinary efforts made by diplomats and cooperation shown by the State of Kuwait, brought the dream is no longer separates between us and achieve and declare Iraq out of Chapter VII only 3 days .

    Blocks, parliamentary committees and government officials and reviewed the parties for "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," the positives get Iraq out of the provisions of Chapter VII, especially the economic and political benefits of this important step in the history of the state after the dictatorial regime.

    It is expected that the UN Security Council vote, to remove Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII of money next Thursday, after the recommendation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon said in a report submitted to the Security Council, in which he said: that Iraq has fulfilled all its international obligations.

    Frozen funds

    The economic and investment commission confirmed that the parliamentary end the provisions of Chapter VII will enable Iraq to recover its funds frozen, and end the tax paid by the people, by the practices of the former dictatorial regime.
    A member of parliament for the Kurdistan Alliance Mahma Khalil's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": "Iraq has met all its obligations towards Kuwait, which makes it imperative for the international community to fulfill its obligations towards Iraq and the lifting of prosecutions on frozen Iraqi funds abroad."

    Khalil said that "the people and the Iraqi government have tolerated a lot in order to remove Iraq from Chapter VII and the time now, conveniently out of this constraint, which greatly hurt the citizens."

    It is noteworthy that Iraq is subject since 1990 to Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, which imposed after the invasion of the former regime of Kuwait in August of the same year, and allows this chapter the use of force against Iraq as a threat to international security, in addition to large amounts of frozen his assets Finance international banks to pay compensation to those affected by the invasion.
    The legal status

    For its part, the parliamentary legal committee said that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII will bring his legal status in the international community, to what it was before the UN Security Council Resolution 838 of 1993, which was released by the dictatorial regime invaded Kuwait.
    The said committee member Mahmoud Hassan's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that "Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII will restore the legal status of absolute in the international community, to what it was before the Security Council resolution No. 838 for the year 1993 by the entry of the former regime to Kuwait."

    And Hassan said "Iraq fulfill its obligations calls on the United Nations to lift the guardianship of Iraqi funds frozen abroad, returning Iraqi will his wealth and his absolute right to act."

    He added that "the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII sign of hope opened up new avenues in dealing with the countries of the world in the areas of development and investment."

    Successful negotiations

    The counting of the Iraqi Communist Party that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII was the result of negotiations conducted by the positive Iraq with Kuwait.
    The secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, Hamid Majid Mousa's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that "out of Iraq subject to the provisions of this chapter is the result of positive negotiations with Kuwait."

    He continued: "The results of the negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait were positive as During the meeting, both sides pledged their commitment to all the items that have been agreed and work to achieve them in order to remove Iraq from Chapter VII."
    And Moses said, "what the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Ban Ki-moon) in his recent comments confirms Iraq's commitment to international agreements and decisions on the implementation of the commitments towards Kuwait and work to overcome the differences between the two countries."

    He stressed that "Iraq's commitment to solving the outstanding problems between him and Kuwait will guarantee derail Iraq from Chapter VII," pointing out that this will open the prospects for the return of Iraq to exercise its leadership role, as well as allow him to move construction and reconstruction.


    In turn, the MP for the mass citizen Silverline cream that Iraq will expand his role among the world after emerging from Chapter VII to possess the ability and efficiency of the political and diplomatic level.

    The Silverline's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that "Iraq has a willingness to be a touchstone in the talks and global meetings, a leader of the Arab countries in this regard," pointing out that "Iraq has hosted the meeting (5 +1) on Iran's nuclear program was a successful meeting at the international level. "

    And guest Iraq talks the second round of talks on Iran's nuclear program in Baghdad in the second half of the month of May.
    Silverline added that "Iraq is different from Arab countries in many areas of military, cultural, political, and the first countries that renounce terrorism."

    Determinants of economic

    In the same context, linked to the Ministry of Housing and Construction out of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII of money, freedom from economic determinants, which was the cause of the delay in delivery of services to citizens.

    The agent said the Ministry of Housing ÇÓĘČŃŢ thorns for "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that "the salvation of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII of money is a departure from the economic determinants that was the reason for the delay in delivery of services to citizens."

    And among the thorns that "out of Iraq from Chapter VII would enable it to manage its affairs without any parameters be the cause of the delay in delivery of services and infrastructure projects that you need all the cities of Iraq," expected to be "for Iraq returns significant economic contribute to reducing unemployment and poverty."

    Full sovereignty

    For his part, stressed the head of the white bloc beauty of watermelon on the importance of Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII for the restoration of full sovereignty.

    And watermelon said in a press statement that "out of this chapter is very important, because the survival of Iraq under طائلته means to stay under the tutelage of the United Nations and the Security Council."

    The Special Representative of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin Kobler, has shown at a press conference in the (19) of June current, Basra province, said that "all matters of Chapter VII relating to Iraq over and that the governments in Kuwait and Baghdad agreed and achieved what is for the benefit of the two countries" .

    He watermelon "If it was out of this Chapter Vestrdja the full sovereignty of Iraq"

    The Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah had announced during his visit to Baghdad recently, the State of Kuwait sent to all members of the UN Security Council and to the United Nations message for reporting fulfill Iraq's obligations and that the remaining ones can be treated in Chapter VI. Continued melon: "The Iraq situation under penalty of this chapter on the grounds that he prejudice to international security as a result of the wars of the former regime. "In the meantime, MP for the coalition of state law Mohammed Chihod that out of Chapter VII will restore Iraq's power of political and economic because it has a legacy historically well-founded position to do so.

    He said Chihod in a press statement that "the Chapter VII penalty imposed on the state in case the form of its threat to the security and the international world," adding that "Iraq and its people does not pose a threat to security and the world, but the former regime buried was a threat to security in the region."

    He added Chihod "now there is no justification for the survival of Iraq under Chapter VII, and now will take a leadership role and after the historic fulfilled its obligations to Kuwait, both as regards the Iraqi Airways or compensation or the demarcation of the border in accordance with UN resolutions."

    The Chihod stressed that "the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII has the benefits of a large political and economic."

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