Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi congratulates the people of the Yazidi community on the occasion of the fasting festival

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi congratulates the people of the Yazidi community on the occasion of the fasting festival Empty Abadi congratulates the people of the Yazidi community on the occasion of the fasting festival

    Post by Rocky Fri 16 Dec 2016, 1:50 am

    [ltr]Abadi congratulates the people of the Yazidi community on the occasion of the fasting festival[/ltr]

     Since 12/15/2016 17:20 pm (Baghdad time)

    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]

    [ltr]BAGHDAD - balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]He congratulated the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, the Iraqi people from the Yazidi community on the occasion of Eid fasting (no more than).[/ltr]
    [ltr]Ebadi said in a statement the media to his office received / balances News / copy of it, "we express our wishes to the range Yazidi good and lasting success and pray to the Almighty to bless the Iraq's security, stability and prosperity, especially as we live Victories our heroine on Daesh terrorist gangs."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added that "we are seeking to return of all displaced persons and displaced persons to their towns and homes they Ervlon gown pride and dignity under the banner of our beloved Iraq and defeat the terrorism and the enemies of Iraq forever," .anthy 29/33 h[/ltr]

    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/ltr]

      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 11:49 am