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    referendum crisis and "international parties" obstructing the solution

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    referendum crisis and "international parties" obstructing the solution Empty referendum crisis and "international parties" obstructing the solution

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Dec 2017, 3:22 am

    referendum crisis and "international parties" obstructing the solution

    10:00 - 19/12/2017
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    A Jordanian newspaper revealed on Tuesday that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi received contacts from Washington, Paris and the United Nations representative in Baghdad on the crisis of the referendum, pointing out that Abadi insisted on its declared conditions for the region's compliance with the demands of the center, noting that there are international parties did not want to continue the crisis The solution is hampered.
    "He continues to reject any mediation on a dialogue with the Kurdistan region or lift the ban on airports in the region," the newspaper Al-Ghad quoted a source close to Abadi as saying.
    The sources added that despite the pressure, Abadi "Egypt to comply with the region to the demands of the central government and the Federal Court to give up the referendum in a clear and public."
     The sources pointed out that Abadi "received constant contacts from Washington and Paris and the United Nations representative in Baghdad, and that Abadi responded to all parties that the resort to the Constitution on border crossings and airports and disputed areas is a solution for all parties," asserting that "most contacts did not result in Anything with the insistence of Abbadi on his declared terms. "
    In the same context, the sources indicated that "it is the international parties that want to keep the situation between Baghdad and the region unstable, and play a double role in advocating dialogue and the adoption of the Constitution, while at the same time move other parties to keep the situation as it is without any progress at the present time "He said. Ending / 25

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