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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Party announces the formation of a new parliamentary bloc and determines its political program

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Party announces the formation of a new parliamentary bloc and determines its political program Empty Party announces the formation of a new parliamentary bloc and determines its political program

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 Oct 2018, 2:02 am

    Party announces the formation of a new parliamentary bloc and determines its political program[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    The parliamentary bloc and the parliamentary blocs and allied parties, on Thursday, the formation of an independent parliamentary bloc called "the mass of the national approach."
    The bloc said in a statement to the twilight news that "we are members of the parliamentary bloc of virtue and allied with the names described below on the formation of an independent bloc within the Iraqi Council of Representatives in the name of (mass approach national) and adopt the political program annexed to this declaration.
    He added that "the names are: MP Abd al-Hussein al-Moussawi, MP Ammar Tohma, MP Jamal Abdul-Zahra Al-Muhammadawi, MP Mazen Abdel-Moneim Al-Faily, MP Ola Ouda Al-Nashi, MP Siham Shunoun Al-Aqili, MP Hazem Majid Al-Khalidi, "He said.
    The statement noted that "the bloc adopted a political program that includes protecting the unity of Iraq and the people and the equal rights of all individuals on the basis of citizenship and belonging to Iraq, and respect for the achievements of the political process sacrificed by the people to achieve such as the constitution as a political reference and elections as a democratic mechanism and state institutions, Amendment and change must be within the mechanisms guaranteed by the Constitution for the approval of the majority of the people it. "
    The statement added that "the program ensures the observance of national and professional controls, integrity and efficiency in the selection of the country's civilian and military leaders and seek to reform the state and its institutions, and abolish the mechanism of appointment by proxy."
    He pointed out that "the program includes the priority of combating financial and administrative corruption through coordinating the efforts of legal, political and popular supervision, developing mechanisms of auditing and uncovering the practices and outlets of corruption and reviewing the legislations governing this field, in order to ensure the tightening of sanctions and monitoring and monitoring stages. The educational curricula and the basic principles and principles that reveal the purity and purity of the original Islam and its rejection of these barbaric practices, and the promotion of national identity.
    "The program also included the building of a balanced foreign policy in order to achieve Iraq's highest interests and avoid engaging in rivalries that undermine the resources of the country and make it a field to settle disputes, take care of the rights of the martyrs and the wounded and perpetuate their sacrifices and heroism.

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