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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Very likely.. A leader talks about an “exception” for some governors to remain in their positions: T

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Very likely.. A leader talks about an “exception” for some governors to remain in their positions: T Empty Very likely.. A leader talks about an “exception” for some governors to remain in their positions: T

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 Jan 2024, 4:48 am

    Very likely.. A leader talks about an “exception” for some governors to remain in their positions: The formation will not last long
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Wednesday (January 10, 2024), the leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Muhammad Al-Bayati, revealed that there is an exception for some governors to remain in their positions, while noting that this exception is “very possible.”
    Al-Bayati told “Baghdad Today” that “the framework forces, with all its titles, have a previous agreement not to renew any minister or governor during this stage, but it is not a law or a final decision,” pointing out that “the framework is currently leading a serious internal discussion in order to study the files of those who have tried and have Good qualities and efficiency in managing the tasks assigned to them.”
    He added, "The exception to the survival of some governors is very likely, especially since the dialogues in this direction are positive and there is an understanding of the importance of repeating the experience of some governors who have achieved results, but the last option remains for the forces of the coordination framework in determining the compass for change through the governorate councils."
    Al-Bayati pointed out that "the formation of governments will not take long in light of the presence of initial understandings that have resolved many of the steps, and perhaps after the announcement of ratification, the birth of governments will emerge successively."
    On Thursday (January 4, 2024), the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Rahim Al-Aboudi, revealed that there is no final decision yet by the coordination framework about renewing the governors for a second term or not renewing it.
    Al-Aboudi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "The Al-Hikmah Movement does not object to the Governor of Basra, Asaad Al-Eidani, assuming a second term, but the final decision will be issued soon from the framework of whether or not to renew Al-Eidani."
    He added, "The Tasmeem Alliance, which includes Al-Eidani, is part of the framework, and if a decision is made not to renew the governorship, this will be after consulting with Tasmeem and with their approval because they are part of us."
    Al-Aboudi continued, “The framework is the one who has the right to choose the governors because they will represent the government’s program that it bears responsibility for implementing,” revealing that “February will be the final date for deciding the nomination of the governors.”
    Earlier last December, a local election monitoring network outlined a map of the number of seats and the formation of local governments in the Iraqi governorates, based on Saint-Lego's law, and depending on the number of votes obtained by each bloc, alliance, and party.
    According to the network’s report, the Tasmeem Alliance will have the largest bloc in Basra Governorate, with 13 seats out of 23 seats in the Basra Governorate Council.
    On the other hand, the coordinating framework will be the largest bloc, which is hoped to form the local government in Baghdad with a number of seats of 23 seats in Baghdad out of the 52 seats of the Baghdad Provincial Council, in addition to Maysan, Muthanna, Dhi Qar, Babel, Najaf, and Diwaniyah.
    In Karbala, the Karbala Creativity Alliance, affiliated with the current governor, will be the largest bloc with 7 seats out of 13 seats in the Karbala Provincial Council.
    In Wasit, the Wasit Ajmal Alliance, affiliated with the current governor, won the largest number of seats, with 7 seats out of 15, and will be the largest bloc.
    In Anbar, the Taqadum Alliance is the largest bloc with 6 seats, in addition to two seats for the Qimam Alliance led by Khaled Battal, where it is hoped that the two parties will ally, out of 16 seats.
    In Salah al-Din, the largest bloc will be the national masses in alliance with Determination and Decisiveness, with a total number of seats amounting to 9 out of 15 seats.
    In Kirkuk, the largest bloc will be formed from the Kirkuk Our Power coalition, which is made up of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and some Kurdish parties, in addition to the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Turkmen Front, and the leadership, with a number of seats of 11 out of 16 seats, and it is expected that they will form the local government.
    In Nineveh, the largest bloc forming the local government will be Nineveh for its People, affiliated with former governor Najm al-Jubouri, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sovereignty, Progress, and Decisiveness, with a number of seats of 15 out of 29 seats, while the rest of the blocs will be in the opposition.
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      Current date/time is Sun 30 Jun 2024, 10:16 am