BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq met with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Monday, Ministerof Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan expresses judges and his accompanying delegation, whilethe two sides discussed trade cooperation between Albuldan.ozkr Prime Minister 's Office, in astatement today: " The Abadi received Mketbhams Monday, Minister of Industry and trade and Supply Jordan expresses judges and his accompanying delegation . " the statement added," themeeting discussed enhancing trade cooperation between the two countries and the war on terror Daesh and victories achieved by the gangs in addition to the importance of the return of activity of border crossings between the two countries " , stressing the judges, according to the the statement, "Jordan 's support for Iraq in its war against terrorism," praising " the leadership of al - Abadi and victories achieved , " noting that "Iraq carries a message of Arab Islamist historical, Iraq and Jordan shared interests and working one lung."