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    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port

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    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port Empty Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 May 2018, 4:12 am

    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port

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     The Minister of Planning in the Kurdistan Regional Government Ali al-Sindi on Wednesday called for the federal government in Baghdad to cancel the port of "zero" customs in the province of Diyala.
    Al-Sindi said in a speech during the opening of the conference on the development of economic relations between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, currently held in Erbil, that "the volume of trade exchange between the Kurdistan Region, Iran amounted to 8 billion dollars in 2017," calling on Tehran to facilitate the process of transporting goods, The region, and support Iranian companies invested in Kurdistan.
    "I call on the Iraqi government to solve the problem of" zero "customs," pointing out that the existence of this port does not harm the interests of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and Iran.

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    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port Empty Barzani announces solutions with Baghdad on border crossings

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 May 2018, 4:41 am

    Barzani announces solutions with Baghdad on border crossings

    11:47 - 02/05/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq Najirvan Barzani, on Wednesday, to reach solutions with Baghdad on border crossings and customs, while noting that Iraq needs Iran's successful experiments.
    Barzani said in a speech during a conference to develop economic relations between Iran and the Kurdistan region in Arbil and its follower / information, "The Kurdistan region and Iraq need the experiences and experiences of Iran successful in many other areas, especially in the fields of industry and agriculture."
    He added that "the Kurdistan Regional Government attaches great importance to economic and trade relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran," stressing that "increasing the volume of Iranian trade with the Kurdistan region and Iraq is one of our main goals."
    Barzani pointed out that "the recent talks between Erbil and Baghdad led to the solution of some problems relating to border ports and customs and international trade within the framework of the Constitution." Ending / 25

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    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port Empty Barzani reveals efforts to establish a free trade zone with Iran

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 May 2018, 5:03 am

    Barzani reveals efforts to establish a free trade zone with Iran

    Wednesday, May 2nd

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    The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nigirvan Barzani, on Wednesday, the efforts to establish a free trade zone with Iran, noting that the dialogues between Baghdad and Erbil contributed to solving some of the problems related to border crossings. 

    "The efforts are continuing with the Iraqi government to establish a free trade zone with Iran at the border crossing of Pervez Khan," Barzani said in his speech during the economic development conference between the Kurdistan region and Iran and its follow-up Alsumaria News, calling "Iranian and Iraqi companies and investors to expand their activities."

    On the problems between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, Barzani pointed out that "dialogues between the federal government and the Kurdistan region resulted in a solution to some of the problems of the crossings within the framework of the Constitution," noting that work is continuing to solve the remaining problems and 

    launched on Wednesday, Between the Kurdistan region and Iran with the participation of the Iraqi Minister of Trade and Industry, the Iranian Minister of Trade and officials from the Kurdistan region to discuss the economic relations between the two sides.

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    Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port Empty Re: Kurdistan Region asks Iran to press Baghdad to cancel the customs port

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